Painful reunion

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I knew Chyna would come, but not when I had recently been cuddling with Alex.
"So, after poor Tori, you decide to go after Rhynos girl? How much of a man whore can you be?!?!" Chyna screamed. I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.
"Don't ever remind me of Tori. I tried to be a big lovable teddy bear she wanted me to be. I'm sorry I wasn't the way you both expect. I am who I am so fucking deal with it," I hissed, slapping the bitch across the face. She ran out the door and I fell to the ground. I cried into my hands since it was just me and Alex in the house. I felt her small arms around my shoulders and I allowed myself to be rocked back and forth, comfort. I allowed comfort for the first time in my life. I wasn't hideous like everybody expects. I know because I heard Alex tell me this morning that I was very handsome to her. I looked up at her as she wiped away the stray tears from my cheeks. I knew Alex had a soft spot for Rhyno still.
"Alex? Do you still have a soft spot for Rhyno?" Gah, stupid question!
"No and if I told you who I had a soft spot for, he would laugh at me," she said. I kissed her hard, and smirked after.
"Now will you tell me?" I asked, proud that I did it.
"My soft spot is for you. I knew I had one for you when I first woke up this morning and saw you all snuggled up next to me. You were so adorable that I knew I just. Shit, I'm rambling," she mumbled quickly, and I smiled. I pulled her to me and kissed her softly.
"Don't be afraid to ramble. I got time and I will always listen," I murmured, kissing her nose. She giggled her adorable giggle and I got up, picking her up in my arms.
"I say we do some more snuggling up in bed ," I murmured, carrying Alex back to the bedroom.

I lay there, unable to sleep. I watched Alex sleep for a while, then wandered about the house, then settled down to watch tv. Alex walked into the living room and sat on my lap. I snuggled her close to my chest and let her sleep. I eventually fell asleep around 4:45 am.

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