Sweet But A Psycho

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Word Count: 3846

Summary: You have a strange power that got you locked up, but Demi brings you hope.

This was inspired by the song and was gonna have really long chapters that started with parts of the song. Pfft there went that idea.

Locked up for life. That's what I was sentenced. I've been locked in this asylum for years. Rehabilitate my butt. There's no restoring me. They and I both know that. My mind is gone, long gone. It's broken. I lost so much of it over the years. Locking me up only made it worse.

The only visitors I've gotten are the people bringing me food, medication, and to help me bathe. For so long, it's been me, my thoughts, and my boredom. The voices in my head never let me rest. They're constantly driving me over the edge. I've tried to end it all, to end the suffering, but I never succeed. I only get more medication. If I don't eat, they force-feed me. If that doesn't work, a tube has to go down my throat. That drives me further into my insanity. I learned if I cooperate the slightest bit, they leave me be.

I was declared legally insane. Bold words for such expired white men. If only I had visions about their deaths. Maybe they would take me seriously and pull their heads out of their behinds. I'm not as crazy as everyone thinks I am. Yes, I may be a little insane, but I can still function.

It wasn't my fault those people died; I'm only a messenger. I can only see the deaths. I really do try to warn them, but they never listen. I try hard, so, so, hard. No one wants to listen to poor, deranged Y/N.

I wasn't always like this. No, the visions weren't always about death. They were merely about simple things. The outcome of a decision, how I would do on a test, or when my family would be over. Simple, simple things. No one knew how I did it. Not even me. My parents were proud nonetheless. That is, until it began spiraling out of control.

The day I had the vision about my sister dying of cancer will forever be embellished in my mind. I was at a sleepover with my best friend, Demi Bennett. She was always fascinated with this ability of mine. She never witnessed me going into my trance. The day she got to, she sure wished she hadn't.

That day, my ability was altered. Gone were the calm, peaceful trances. This one, oh, this one, was a nightmare. It came over me in the middle of a conversation with Demi. I couldn't move or speak or even breathe. I was frozen, staring at Demi for a few seconds before the vision came to me. It was much more vivid than my previous ones. My family was crowded around my sister, with her hair gone and a pretty pink bow around her head, who was crying as she held my mom's hand. I called out to her and tried to grab her hand, but the heart monitor went flat. She went limp, and her hand rolled to the side, no longer holding my mom's.

Once the vision released whatever grasp it had on me, I was gasping for air. I broke down in heavy sobs as Demi wrapped her arms around me. She was just as scared as I was. She's the one who told me to tell my parents about the start of these horrible visions. I didn't want to. I was scared, scared they would no longer be proud of me; they would hate me and my gift.

At first, my parents didn't think much of it. Even though I was crying over the phone, begging them to take Serene to the doctor. They finally took caution and told me they'd take her for a checkup soon.

Satisfied, I fell back into Demi's arms. I was relieved they eventually believed me. I knew we'd catch her cancer in time, so Serene would be fine.

Serene was not fine. She was taken to the hospital a day after my vision after she unexpectedly collapsed and couldn't move. My only comforting thought was knowing she didn't suffer long. My parents became warier of my ability after that. I didn't blame them. Especially when our family began dropping like flies.

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