A Fallen Star

670 17 3

Word Count: 1877

Summary: You get a small break from acting and receive the best gift from Demi

The wind howled through the night, rocking the car. I kept glancing to the right, where a forest stood, hoping a deer didn't venture across. Once the trees ended, I sighed in relief. I was too tired to worry about crashing.

My phone buzzed, distracting me for a moment. It was a message from my lifelong friend, Demi, asking me if I made it home safely.

I quickly typed the word 'almost.' Demi and I had kept in touch even after going our separate ways. She got busy with wrestling, and I got busy with acting. We always find time to talk to each other, though. Lately, we have been on the phone with each other whenever we have the chance.

After my accidents, wrestling was out of the question. It frustrated me to no end, but Demi helped me through it. I decided to pursue my acting career. Balancing that and wrestling had been tough. In some ways, the end of my wrestling career had been a blessing in disguise. I still miss it though. I had been Mighty Valkyrie, and Demi is still Rhea Ripley. We were an unbeatable duo. I watch her matches when I have the chance. She's amazing, as always. And she's grown so much.

My phone buzzed again. Demi said to call her when I get home. Despite feeling jetlagged and exhausted, I know I'll have time to call her. I've been out of the country filming two movies at the same time, along with editing one.

At last, I pulled into the driveway. I quickly got my suitcase out of the back and head inside. I discard my suitcase by a dresser and plop on my bed. Sleep was very tempting, but I need to call Demi.

I could have fallen asleep immediately, but I needed to call Demi. It barely rang before she answered, "Y/N! I've missed you. You doing all right?"

The sound of her soothing accent brought a smile to my face. For a split second, I took in the sight of her wet hair slicked back, with some pieces astray, framing her freshly washed face. "I missed you too. I'm ok, just tired, I guess. What about you?"

"I'm doing great! I can't wait for your movies to come out. I plan on seeing them the minute they're in theaters," she said.

I chuckled. "Thank you. I worked hard on them. I even helped edit the CGI and special effects and whatnot."

"Really? That's awesome!"

"I know! I've taken classes in that field, so I was finally able to put those skills to use," I said proudly.

"You've always had a knack for that," she laughed.

We continued talking for more than an hour, catching up on anything and everything. Demi informed me of a fast-approaching championship she was taking part in. I told her about upcoming movies I've auditioned for. Her smiles was a sight for sore eyes.

"Hey, do you think you could come to the championship?" She asked softly.

"I can try. When did you say it was again?" I asked. Her tone of voice made my heart beat faster. Why, though, I couldn't understand.

"In two weeks."

"Oh, perfect. I'll cancel everything and be there."

"Wait, no, don't cancel anything," she said between laughs.

"Why not?" I said, laughing too.

She looked away before answering me. "I don't want you to cancel anything important just to watch me beat people up."

I rolled onto my stomach. "Demi, you're more important. Besides, I don't have anything planned. I could use a break. And it'll be nice to be back in an arena."

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