He waits. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" He asks after a few seconds.

"She doesn't remember, Minho. She just got here two days ago." Newt jumps in before I can respond. 

I frown at him. "Thanks, salamander. You stole the words right out of my mouth." 

He gapes at me, shock flashing in his eyes, while Minho and another boy I don't know busts a gut laughing. I grin a bit, pleased that I had managed to be funny. 

Newt shakes his head. "You're so funny." 

I lean back in my chair, cross my arms over my chest and grin at him. "I know." 

He smiles back before turning and finishing his meatloaf. 

"Hey, greenie. I'll take that if you're not eating it." The boy who had laughed at me snatched my plate, scraping the meat onto his plate and handing it back. 

"This is Frank. He's a black hole when it comes to food, don't let him steal your food tonight or he'll do it every night." Minho says with his mouth full of food.

I grimace at the unattractive sight. "Don't talk with your mouth full," I scold. 

He frowns. "Why?" 

"Because it's gross." I frown at him. 

He smirks, opening his mouth wider and letting me see his half-chewed food. 

I groan. "Child," I grumble under my breath. "I'll be seeing you," I say to Newt and Frank, standing up and taking my plate to the kitchen. 


"Hey, girlie." Frank walks over to the sink, where I am currently washing the dishes. "You gonna be at the bonfire tonight?"

I frown. "Bonfire?"

He nods. "Yeah! We have it every night a new greenie comes. Kinda like a party." He pauses. "Actually, you kinda have to come to it. You're the guest of honor." 

I tilt my head to the side. "Maybe. We'll see." 

He nods. "See ya. I gotta get back to working."

I nod. "Bye." I accidentally splash myself in the eye with the dishwater, cursing in my head as I grope for a towel.


I linger in the shadows, watching the boys at the bonfire cautiously. It seems harmless and innocent, except for the fighting in a ring that's going on. I walk towards it slowly, drawn in by the flames.

I walk to the edge of the shadows, watching the crazy teens. Fry is trying to ride on Winston's shoulders for some reason. He falls off, tumbling to the ground in a comical fashion. Newt's laughing, sitting on a log with a jar in his hand, and every time he takes a sip of whatever is in the jar his nose wrinkles.

I sigh, walking over to where Newt is. I sit down next to him, and it takes him three minutes to realize I'm there. 

"Hey, Greenie! Welcome to your party." His voice has a slight slur to it. 

I grin slightly. "Are you drunk?"

He shakes his head from side to side, like a dog. "Just... slightly intoxicated." He giggles like it's the funniest thing in the world.

I huff, smiling and trying to hold in a laugh. 

He stands up. "To you, your Majesty." He bows low, raising his jar of... something.

I roll my eyes. "Newt, you're drunk. Sit down before you do something stupid." I pull on his arm and he stumbles backwards, flipping over the log and ending up on his back with a shocked look.

Dangerous: The Maze Runner ~Newt~Where stories live. Discover now