Rule #2, broken

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I wake up at mid-morning, not quite nine o'clock but close. The bright sun filters down onto me through the leaves, warming me pleasantly. I yawn, stretching my arms and twisting around to get the kinks out of my back muscles.

It's the type of day where you feel lazy. The good kind of lazy, like you just wanted to lay around in a warm grass field and catch butterflies and sip cold eggnog. A feeling deep inside me tells me that it's around spring-time, somewhere in April.

I eat the apples that are left in the cheesecloth, along with another small slice of ham and a bit of the bread. When I feel satisfied, I get up and climb down, using the same technique I used yesterday.

I dart from tree to tree until I reach the edge of the Deadheads. I see the boys, tramping from the kitchen and splitting off towards other smaller buildings and areas. A few of them go towards the Deadheads near me, so I move my spot to a better one.

At least seven boys go towards the huge gardens near the biggest building, and a few more go towards the big building that stinks of animals, rotten blood and guts to the left of the gardens.

I watch the gardeners with interest, wondering what it was like to be able to get down in the dirt and smell the fresh earth, sticking your fingers into it and planting seeds. I can almost see myself out there with them.

I don't realize that I started walking closer until I feel two strong arms around my middle.

I freeze, stiffening up and widening my eyes. I look down, seeing dark skin and chipped fingernails.

I start to wriggle, trying to loosen his hold on me, but he just squeezes harder, bruising my rib cage. I hear grunts behind me as he starts to drag me back with him, but he doesn't say anything. 

"Let... go of me!" I cry out, kicking and struggling. I throw my head back, and I hear a satisfying crunch as the arms let go. I take off towards the kitchen, remembering a good hiding spot I had seen yesterday.

I make it to the side door to the kitchen, bursting in and sliding around the corner, almost banging into the pantry door. I crouch down, looking at the only boy there, Fry, with pleading eyes. "I think I might have broken someone's nose," I say quietly. "Can you help me hide from them, at least until they calm down?"

He grins, the smile lighting up his previously glaring face. Just then the door bangs open. He looks over to the door and says casually, "Hey, Alby. Got the greenie yet?"

"Greenie?" I whisper to myself.

 The door slams shut and someone stomps up to the kitchen. "Well, I had her, but then she hit my nose with her head and took off in this direction. You seen her?" A deep, slightly nasal voice answers.

"Nope. I've been in here, cleaning." He flips his dishcloth for emphasis.

"I see," Alby grunts. He coughs, spitting into what I assume is the cloth. He makes a sound of disgust. "Remind me not to try catching wild women again, will you?"

Fry chuckles.

I peek, and it's the dark-skinned leader from yesterday with a white and red cloth on his nose, held up by one hand. So that's the one named Alby. From what I've seen, he's the leader.

"Well, I'm almost done cleaning up here. You lemme know when you need me, ok?"

I close my eyes, whispering a silent thank you to Fry.

"Don't I always?" Alby stomps back out, and I stand up.

"Thanks," I whisper.

Fry chuckles. "Yeah, I think you at least busted his nose. You're in a bit of trouble when he catches you."

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