"Yes you do bebe." Her mother said

"Whatever. Anyways, I have to leave to get some of her stuff at like 1:00 and then imma head over her place. I might end make staying over for dinner. Her mom loves me." Jahzara said

"See you were trying to end the conversation about her and started another. And her mom like you. That's a sign." Jahmere said

"Whatever Jah." Jahzara said

"Alright. Just tell her I wanna meet her. And be home by 8:00." Her mother said

"I already did. She's nervous." Jahzara said

"¿Por qué?" Her mother asked


"She's afraid you won't like her." Jahzara said

"I'm sure she a good person. I can see how she's got you." Her mother said

"¿Qué significa eso?" Jahzara asked

(What does that mean?)

"Nothing. Nothing. Jah, lave los platos
Gracias por la comida, Zara. Fue muy bueno. Voy a volver a mi habitación." Their mother said after she put her dish in the sink

(Jah, wash the dishes. Thank you for the food Zara. It was very good. I'm going back to my room.)

"Alright, Mamí." Jahmere said as he stood up from the table

"What did she mean by that?" Jahzara asked still confused

Jahmere shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the sink.

Jahzara went back into her room and watched a couple episodes of the ICarly reboot. She then did some of the work Carmén informed her about.

Once she checked the clock and it said 12:20, she started getting ready.

Once she was ready, she went to go get a bag and put ice in it since she was getting cold items and she was walking.

She has her license,but her mother doesn't really trust her with the car. More like she doesn't trust the other people on the road.

Jahzara went to go tell her brother and mother goodbye before she left.

"Bye Jah. I'm finna go." Jahzara said poking her head in his door

"Bye. Have fun with your girlfriend. Im bout to go hoop with my friends in a few minutes. " Jahmere said while playing his video game

"Ella no es mi novia." Jahzara said

(She's not my girlfriend.)

"Bye Zara."

Jahzara dismissed the boy and went to her mother's room.

"Estoy a punto de irme. Te amo." Jahzara said as she hugged her mother

(I'm about to go. Love you.)

"Alright have fun. I love you too." Her mother said as Jahzara walked out of the room

Once Jahzara left the house, she went on her way to the gas station to get the slushee. She had got the girl's bracelet yesterday. It looked nice and it came in a cute box. She had also gotten a heart pillow for her.

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