Today More Than Yesterday, It's Always You (3)

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Eventually, Yoon Ahreum had once again had enough. This was the 2nd time his disappointed her and made her worry.  

She knows..... she was the one who initiated the broke up a few hours ago so perhaps she should not care or worry for him anymore. But Yoon Ahreum was not that kind of person who wouldn't care just because of such reason. Even though Euntak had done nothing to try and save their relationship and had chose to stay silent for everything, Ahreum still loves him plus that break up was just a test.... a test that somehow ended in more disappointment and a broken relationship. 

"Back then, I didn't know
In fading memories
Until I become a small dot
I wander like this
Even as your back
Gradually grows distant
I couldn't let go of you
I'm still in this place"

Internally panicking, Ahreum opened her phone and tried her best to scroll through her contact list. The smoke was slowly getting suffocating and was already stinging her eyes. Eventually, she found his name, thankfully she had put a heart emoji next to his name handle hence it was a bit easier to identify it despite her blurry vision. 

Tapping on the call icon, she dialed his phone. But no matter how much she redialed, the other end just went straight into voicemail. 

Her heartbeat drummed through her chest and the pain slowly starts to burn her heart. A plethora of negative scenarios run through her mind, no matter how much she tried to shook them off.... she was stuck. 

It was everything happening all at once, the increased anxiety and panic. The ringing in her ears mixed with the shouts and shrieks of the staff behind her as they ran for their lives towards the exit. 

The smell of smoke and burning trees entering her nostrils sending goosebumps down her spine as she imagined the inevitable tragedy that awaits Doldam Hospital. 

Tears start to streak down her pink tinted cheeks as she desperately tried to redial Park Euntak's number. 

It was always gonna be him up until the end of the day.... her story started in Doldam with him in the first chapter and she wasn't just gonna let it end without him if ever... this was really gonna be the last chapter for their beloved hospital. 

Don't get it wrong, Ahreum is a great doctor in her own right. There were countless of memories that she could list in the hospital that she would remember for the rest of her lives. But Park Euntak was a different kind of memory.... he was her real first love and relationship and even if their relationship remains complicated up until this moment... he is also her friend and in a way partner. 

"Today, more than yesterday
I'm missing you and it hurts
Walking the same path every day
Afraid that it might come to an end
I endlessly wait for you
Today, it's still you"

As the last few nurses and doctors exit the emergency room, Manager Jang looks in and calls for Ahreum. 

'Yoon Ssaem! Let's go, the next car won't be here until another 10 minutes. You should also go with the others while there's still time.'

Already a sobbing mess, Yoon Ahreum turns around and weakly tries to smile as she shook her head. Speaking with a shaky voice, she wipes the tears from her cheeks. 

'You sho--ould go Manager Jang, I-I still have to wait for Euntak Ssaem and the others...'

Not wanting to argue with Ahreum understanding that she was waiting for her boyfriend, (Manager Jang doesn't know at this point that they've broken up) Manager Jang nods and zips up his PPE as he closes the door of the vans and yells out orders to the other staff members. 

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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