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Trigger warning - mentions of death

Without another word Lizzie grabs my hand and pulls me out of the secret room.

"What's wrong?"

She remains silent. Something about her steps felt urgent. We arrived at an empty bedroom. Her eyes were glossed over.

"I need you to listen carefully"

"Lizzie" I grow stern at her indirectness.

"There are three private life boats on the third level. Right side of the ship. Take this and they will let you on. Go."

"What are you talking about"

"Y/n Go."


"Now!" She hands me the pass and pushes me out the door "Follow the purple signs" She points towards the ceiling. As if it were an emergency light, a plastic rectangle handing from the wall illuminated purple with a outline of a vase of flowers are now the last things lighting the boat. All of the other lights are gone, as well as lizzie. The boat shakes as if there were an earthquake. I follows the signs. Long narrow halls, turn after turn. I spot a window next to a door.

Oddly all I can think about is the fact this was supposed to be a college trip. All my classmates are probably relaxing at the hotel or being lectured by Natasha. Speaking of Natasha there she is. THERE SHE IS? What the hell does she have to do with all of this? She grabs my hand and pulls my outside. We get on to one of the life boats and drop to the water. I see MK and Ashley on the second one. Lizzie is nowhere to be found. My body is in panic mode, my adrenaline is rushing and my eyes wide open. The air smells of salt and its dark outside. Natasha touches my hand and reality fades back in. Tears gently roll down my cheek. Im not sure what's wrong, Im not hurt... Im scared. I know Im in danger but it cannot be identified.

"Y/n?" I look Natasha in the eye. She sees the tears. I don't exactly take Natasha as a soft and gentle person, but somehow she gave me so much comfort in simply being with me. She pulled me in to her and tucked my messed up hair behind my ear. Its very windy and foggy. I closed my eyes. The scene was too much to take in. Im not sure what happened to the boat, If it was attacked or wrecked but regardless it was sinking with or without people on it. I knew there were more life boats, this one is just special I guess?"

"Im so sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have let you go with her," Self anger and disappointment illuminated themselves on her soft face, adding some rough edges. After what felt like an hour we made it to a shore; I don't know where. The ambulance prepared for us. Natasha grabbed me a blanket and wrapped it around me.

Suddenly Im in someone else's hotel room and someones arms are wrapped around me. It's Natasha. I relax a little but none the less feel guilty. Im in a t-shirt that's not mine. Im in a bed that's not mine. And Im with a woman that's not mine but for some reason I don't leave. I don't move. I stay. I feel safe and sound. Natasha is warm. I sit up and find some pants. I leave and head back to my room only to find it empty. No lizzie. No text, no calls. I sit in sorrow. I have no tears left. I feel numb, and cold. My eyes can see and my finger tips can feel the things around me, but Im not there.

A million thoughts in my mind and the loudest one being: Is she dead?
She can't be gone. My lips are stained by the memories of us, of her. Her love.

I turn on the tv. A local news station reported the incident, "..Despite the intensity of the wreck no deaths have been reported...It has been confirmed that the attack was pursued by a foreign termination group hired by an anonymous payer..." I shut off the news. Though it gave me some peace of mind for Lizzie I still have no idea where she is or how she's doing and on top of that no way to find her. I don't know where she went. I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Hey, it's Natasha. Can I come in?"
I can't find the energy to speak. The door creaks open. Footsteps approach. It's more than two. I turn back and see most of the class filling my room holding flowers and a note. Natasha takes the items from one of the girls and walks it over to me. She sits down next to me and motions for the rest of the class to go back. A few faint well-wishes come from the group on their way out.

My head finds it's way to her neck.
"Why?" I ask.

"She's okay... I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to think she would do this again. Her family ties are powerful, making them targets. When a scandal like this happens they have the money to cover it up, however they all go into hiding for a period time. Away from everyone that was close. It's her way of keeping you safe, I promise. And I know it was wrong of her not to say anything, but she doesn't have that privilege.

"We only got to be in love for a moment. How is that fair?"

Silence fell over the room. My brain desperate to find and answer that justifies her love, that now feels like a poison. Every memory grew bitter sweet the moment she said 'go'.

"The trip is ending early and we will be back by tomorrow night."

"I can't go home, Venus most likely won't be there and even if she is I can't talk to her about it-"

"Come home with me." She interrupts.

-A few months later-

I didn't expect to find myself here, but here I am. A candle lit dinner on the roof of some building in a city with Natasha in front of me. I've lived with her for 5 months now. My heart has grown and learned to appreciate the love I once had with Lizzie and remember it for the good things.

Our food has been eaten for well over an hour. We lost track of time while talking but it didn't really matter because we both knew we would be under the same roof later. Nothing had happened between us yet, physically that is. Emotionally there exists a garden, with flowers on the edge of bloom.

Before I knew it we were walking through the front door of her house yet again. I head towards the guest bedroom I've been staying in the past few months. I look back to see Natasha staring at me, a single thought behind her eyes.

I stand in the doorway of my room. She walks to me without a word from her mouth. Gently, she takes my hand hands in hers and pulls me to her room. I stop and wait for her to shut the door. There is a bread moment of admiration from the both of us, pondering what the other is thinking. With a flicker of the eyes her lips landed on mine. like velvet they glide with each other. My arms rest on her shoulders. Hers on my back, slowing pulling down the zipper of my dress. It falls to the ground. My heart is pounding, the guilt has left me. A pond of fabric fills my eyesight. This is different. Her lips trace my body slowly.  My skin melts to hers. There was no need for us to go further. The love existed in the way she held me. My face in her neck, her hands tracing on my back. Our legs tangled, half wrapped in sheets. We built a home in our heart. Each time I picture it one thing remains constant: Sat in the center of our dining room table is a vase of undying purple flowers.

Part 1 of 2 - The End

Purple Flowers - Lizzie Olsen X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now