I Choose You! Pokémon Safari!? Part 2

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The trainers ran into Professor G's safari going in different directions.

Sara stood there on the main path looking at the scenery.
Trees were spread out in every direction and the main path branched in three directions a little ways off. If she squinted, she could make out a shimmer in the sky. A telltale sign that there was a energy field far above the trees.

'I don't have time for this', Sara thought to herself, shaking her head. She left the path and started making her way through the trees.

As she walked, Sara heard the sound of water splashing and pokemon chittering.

She pushed aside some branches of a particularly large shrub and saw a pond with many water type pokemon playing around.

Most of the ruckus was from a group of Squirtles. Though, as she watched, she noticed that there were one or two Oshawott as well.

Just then, one of the boys jumped out from the other side of the pond announcing, "You will be mine Oshawott!"

He threw his Safari Ball with all his might and it flew right at one of the Oshawott. The Oshawott was startled and raised its Scallop to hide behind it. The ball glanced off the Scallop and hit the Squirtle behind Oshawott. The ball opened and Squirtle was caught. Oshawott dove into the pond and the rest of the nearby pokemon scattered.

The boy was oblivious however, and danced around sing, "🎶 I caught Oshawott, I caught Oshawott!🎶"

Sara was about to point out his mistake when he ran off, leaving her staring at a now empty pond.

Sara was disappointed. She had been looking forward to watching them play, maybe even would have asked to join them and that boy had scared them off.

She sighed and continued on looking for pokemon. As she walked she spotted Pidgey, Starly, and Pikipek fluttering from tree to tree.

She walked on, taking in the scenery and watching pokemon from time to time.

She came across two Growlithe wrestling and slowly approached. They stopped playing and looked at her.

Sara said to them, "Hi, my name's Sara. I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just hoping to play with you."

The Growlithe looked at each other and then in unison looked back at Sara wagging their tails. " *Growl* ", they exclaimed happily. Then they ran at her and tackled her licking her face.

"Stop," She laughed, "That tickles!"

After what seemed like a few minutes with the Growlithe, Professor G's voice could be heard throughout the park. "Just a reminder everyone, it's been thirty minutes. Only half an hour left until the end of your Safari adventure!"

The Growlithe had left at the sudden noise, so Sara was sitting on the ground by herself. "Guess I lost track of time. Wish the Growlithe had stuck around. I wanted to ask them if one of them wanted to be my partner."

Sara made her way back to the path. As she stepped on to the path, two trainers ran by. They seemed to be racing each other and didn't even notice Sara at all.
Just then the sky seemed to get very dark very quickly. Sara looked up and could see clouds forming and getting darker by the second just past the barrier.

A large group of pokemon came stampeding down the path heading for the lab.

Then Professor G's voice rang out again, this time sounding much more urgent.

"The Safari is being postponed due to bad weather. Everyone, return to the lab immediately!"

By this point Sara couldn't see anything nearby. The only light came from the lab windows in the distance, until the lightning lit up her surroundings with a brilliant flash for a brief second.

Sara began to run towards the light from the lab. Suddenly, there was a huge blast of wind. Sara stumbled and when she looked up she could no longer see the light from the lab. "Oh great," Sara grumbled, "the powers out?"

She started walking in the direction she had been running but the wind was so strong she couldn't go very fast at all.

The trees whipped back seemingly having difficulty staying upright.
"Swee!" A voice called out from a nearby tree. Sara peered up at the flailing branches. In between the flashes of lightning Sara could see, clinging to one of the branches, a terrified Bounsweet.

Sara had to help. She had started to climb the tree when she heard a deafening roar and was nearly yanked out of the tree by the wind.
She managed to grapple her way onto the branch above her and looked back.

A sight she'd only seen on the news in far off places greeted her. A tornado loomed overhead. It looked as though it was coming right for her.

"Bounsweet!" Sara called out. If there was a response she couldn't hear it over the roar of the wind.

The lightning flashed in rapid succession so much so that the whole area was bathed in white light for a couple minutes.

During that time Sara saw Bounsweet hanging precariously from the tip of a branch. As the light faded it fell. Sara jumped from her perch, her arms stretched out in an attempt to catch Bounsweet.

She felt the pokemon hit her arms and curled up around it as they fell. She rolled as she hit the ground, got up and ran with Bounsweet clutched in her arms.

Sara had lost all sense of direction. She was just running away from the pull of the wind. Her pace slowed no matter how hard she pushed.

Suddenly, Sara's feet lifted off the ground and she flew backwards falling into the tornado. She held Bounsweet tight and closed her eyes.

Then Sara saw a faint green light behind her eyelids. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Bounsweet glowing a bright green light. Then a vine whip shot out from Bounsweet wrapping around a tree.

Sara held on to Bounsweet and Bounsweet held on to the tree as they were batted about by the raging winds of the tornado.

"Just hold on Bounsweet!" Sara shouted over the wind, "I won't let anything happen to you!"

The move Bounsweet had used to produce the vine whip was actually a move called natures power and unfortunately its effective time was expiring. The vine whip started to glow green.

"Uh-oh!" Exclaimed Sara, "Try to hold it Bounsweet! Don't let go!"

Bounsweet was obviously trying its hardest, its eyes squeezed shut as it concentrated on holding onto the natures power. But it was no use. The vine whip disappeared in a flurry of little green lights. Sara and Bounsweet started flying away once more.

Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. The tornado dissipated and the wind that had been pulling them in slowed so that it was almost like they were flying and they touched down gently. Sara landed on her feet with Bounsweet in her arms.


Hello readers. I hope you are enjoying this fan-fic.

The images were taken from Google search and the Zedge app and are really only a vague imagery of what I see in my mind. A kind of place holder.

Please comment. I welcome constructive criticism but please be nice. Insults are not necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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