Buttercup: Those were blanks. I missed!

Y/n: Uh random question. How can dodgeballs be blanks?

Buttercup: Because I missed.

Bubbles: That makes no sense and you know it.

Buttercup just shrugs her shoulders.

Blossom: Right, since I already told you our names, it's only fair we share a bit about ourselves. I'll start. I love sweets, manga, and Super Sentai. I'm also scared of ghosts. Don't laugh!

Y/n: My Uncle Knuckles fought a ghost once. He said it was "Big, ugly, and had a rainbow tongue."... If the kind of ghosts you're scared of fit THAT description, I completely get why you'd be scared.

Blossom: *Sigh Of Relief* Thanks... Most people would laugh at me if I told them that.

Bubbles: Me next. I love spending time in nature. I'm also quite skilled in cooking.

Buttercup: *Whispers* If I were you, don't accompany her to the mall for the safety of your nonexistent pockets.

Bubbles: Now that's just rude.

Buttercup: Just sayin'.

Hehehe, these three are gonna be so much fun to hang around with.

Exeller: *Mentally* Hey, call me crazy. But don't you see a similar dynamic between them that your dad and uncles have?

I'd say they're more like Mom's team. I mean, Blossom. Mom's last name, Rose. Funny, isn't it? Then there's a similar level of gentleness to Cream Bubbles has. And rounding it off is Buttercup seemingly forgetting just how strong she is sometimes, like-

Exeller: *Mentally* Uncle Big? I remember when one of his hugs nearly broke your back. A shame so few really appreciate how far he's willing to go for the people he cares for. He's just a bit slow.


Bubbles: Hm... What about a nice jacket?

Y/n: Sorry, I zoned out again. What were we talking about again?

Bubbles: Oh, I was just thinking of something...

Exeller: *Mentally* Oh great. She's already planning a shopping spree. Think you'll need that extreme gear?

Nah, don't worry.

Y/n: So... Any favorite foods?

Bubbles: Meatballs, personally. They go great with almost any Italian dish. Maybe you could try some?

Y/n: I might just take ya up on that offer! I don't think I'll be getting back home for a while...

Buttercup: Why? We could ask around and point you in the right direction,

Y/n: You believe the multiverse theory? If not, then let me give you the quick version. Imagine the multiverse as one giant pot of soup with each of the veggies being a different universe.

Blossom: Gross! Keep those things away from me!

Huh, she loves sweets and hates veggies. Why does that remind me of someone...

Exeller: 'That one Chao who refused to eat anything but coffee beans? What was the little guy's name again... I can't remember.'

Y/n: Fair enough. Anyway, now imagine the ripples made by popping bubbles in the soup as rifts, portals, and the like between them. A ripple goes from one universe to the other.

Bubbles: And you were brought here because of that? That would explain the robot we fought earlier.

Y/n: Yeah, that's Mecha Sonic MK 1. My dad destroyed that old hunk of junk ages ago. Though it has certainly got an upgrade from when he described it. But why would Eggman upgrade a robot from so long ago and send it here?

PPGSZ (Harem x Son of Sonic Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant