Facts #1

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1. MK is Kaoru's cousin in China but the latter don't know the other's secrets example: MK doesn't that Kaoru is Buttercup and Kaoru doesn't know that MK is a monkey.

2. (Y/N)'s ideals are the same as Sonic's, he lives for the moment and wants to see the world to adventure, and he wants others like villains to see world and live in harmony.

3. Geno's hair is mistakenly to dyed but reality the neon green in his hair is natural.

4. Ink (Y/N) is in fact Ink MK taking (Y/N)'s form but is still the same entity who made MK question his role in the world.

5. Geno can switch between his hedgehog form and human since he was the first to arrive on Earth 1 hour before (Y/N).

6. (Y/N) can transform without the Chaos Emeralds.

7. Luther can be strict at times but he is very kind person who wants to protect his loved ones.

8. Shard has feelings for Princess Morbucks and will help her from time to time.

9. Geno and (Y/N) were pranksters when they were kids.

10. Geno's hair gets brighter whenever he's stressed.

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