I opened up to you, and you juged me

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THE NEXT MORNING Kevin hall was confused when he walked downstairs to find a teenage girl passed out on his couch.

Staring at her for a couple seconds with a confused and shocked look on his face, kev ran up the stairs and to his room where he almost broke down the door waking up Veronica.

"V, don't freak out. But there's a teenage girl passed out on our couch and I swear, it has nothing to do with me!" Kevin says defensive

"Kev calm down, it's just Madison." Veronica with a tired voice says while trying to muster up what was happening since she was still half asleep.


"Yes, Madison. Last night Fiona came over around ten with her cause she was locked out of her house and didn't have anywhere else to go. The girl was shaking and upset and hungry so I let her stay here for the night."

"Oh okay." He says more calmly this time

After about half an hour of Veronica and kev getting ready they made there way down stairs where they saw Madison still asleep on the couch

"Kev, go make her breakfast." She whispered

With a role of the eye he walks to the kitchen and does what she says. The dark skinned girl walks over to Madison and shakes her body lightly watching her brown eyes flutter open

"Hey hunny, you gonna wake up, it's 10am" she says with a smile

As Madison sits up she takes in her surroundings and the memories of last nights evens hit her like a brick making her frown

"How'd you sleep?" V questions

"Good, for it being a couch it's quite comfy." She says making Veronica smile at her

"I can back up that statement, considering the amount of times Veronica's made me sleep on it." Kevin makes himself present, earning a confuse but also a amused face from Madison

"I'm Kevin by the way." He sticks out his hand with a warm smile making her give one back and shake his hand "I'm Madison."

He hands over a bowl to her which had dried cereal in it with no milk.

Cigarette daydreams.       .l.Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now