XX: Fault For Falling in Love

Start from the beginning

He walked into the elevator, keeping his hands in his pockets.

Kaminari didn't even turn back, he just waved his hand dismissively to the other alpha.

"Oh yeah? We'll go ahead and tell hanta and tell him to tell the others I don't want to see their faces ever again." Kaminari loudly slurred out, giving the finger to Todoroki before he began to step forward.

When the elevator dinged, signaling the door had closed, Kaminari dropped his hand and made his way over to the staircase where Katsuki just watched him.

Disgust in his eyes at the sight of the drunken omega.

Kaminari made it on the sixth step when he nearly fell.

Had he not caught himself, he would bang his head on the 2nd and 1st step, instantly killing him.

Or a severe concussion.

Whichever came first really.

Kaminari laughed dryly when he saw Katsuki who still stayed silent.

"You would've wanted that fall to happen, wouldn't you, Katsuki?" Kaminari whispered, "I can see it in those eyes."

"Are you not ashamed of yourself?" Katsuki hummed, "Going to someone else's establishment and threatening them like no tomorrow."

By the time Kaminari got to the last step, Katsuki had gone over to him.

Now they were face to face.

Kaminari suckled at his lips,  "I don't get it."

"Not even bothering with Izuku, what was it about me that you simply didn't like?"

"I love you, yknow." A pained chuckle ripped through his throat, "I morphed myself at your mother's orders so you could become accustomed to me so we could eventually get married and have a pup."

"You didn't need to do anything." Katsuki answered, "I made it clear that you were nothing more to me other than a distraction."

"And it's your fault for falling in love."

Kaminari's head dropped, "No."

"It's your fault for making me like you."

"It's your fault for doing nice things or giving me courting gestures that made me feel like you and your mother's hateful ways would lighten up on a person trying to protect themselves. To protect their own future."

"Then you are just like us." Katsuki retorted coldly, "You're cruel and selfish just like the rest of us."

"I've heard the way you talk and the way you act to people you deem lower class, even to your own friends, without so much of a single regard for them. You hate my mother but you're like a carbon copy of her that simply didn't have as much wealth or influence."

"Your family's wealth is dying, and even still you care for no one but yourself." Katsuki finished, each word he spat feeling like a potent form of acid.

Kaminari stared blankly, his throat tightening but he didn't bother to wipe the tears that ran down his face.

"Some of us don't exactly have a choice." He uttered, making a gun motion to Katsuki's chest, "Everyone is selfish and when it comes to their own personal desires, it is everyone against the fucking world."

"And, if you, Katsuki Bakugo, think you aren't then you are dead wrong and you'll get what's coming to you."

Katsuki snatched his wrist, "Are you threatening me?"

Kaminari shook his head no, "You already took on your own mother whose patiently awaiting her death."

"I'd be a fool to try you head-on."

Katsuki let go of him, checking his phone because of a vibration. Not even caring if Kaminari saw who had just texted him.

"Smart." The blond prime alpha nodded, brushing past Kaminari harshly as he went downstairs.

Kaminari remained in that position, feeling his heart pounding in his eardrums as if it was going to burst in a matter of milliseconds.

The second the elevator dinged and the doors closed, he started walking gradually to his bedroom.


If it was his fault for falling in love with Katsuki...

Then it would only make sense for it to be Katsuki's fault to fall in love with Izuku.

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