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"Pure Vanilla Cookie! What a pleasant surprise!"

The young king of the Vanilla kingdom was standing in front of the door of one of his friends, Hollyberry Cookie.

"Hollyberry Cookie, my dear friend, I heard that yesterday was the anniversary of the Hollyberry Kingdom's founding! I came all the way here to congratulate you. I apologize for not coming earlier..." He spoke, as he bowed down slightly.

He has never really visited his friends before, usually he only did that out of necessity, or they were the ones to call him first.

But he thought that this was an important event that he possibly couldn't miss out on.

After all, the birthday of such a prosperous Kingdom was an event no one would have wanted to miss.
And, to Pure Vanilla Cookie, this was an opportunity to meet one of his best friends again, after all these years.

The other cookie laughed at that gesture and quickly ran up to him with open arms.

She picked him up with ease and lifted him slightly, as she gave him an extremely tight and loving hug.

"I'm so glad you came, Pure Vanilla Cookie! Oh, you're as polite as ever! There's no need for you to act all courtesy with me, we've discussed this maaany times before, y'know!" Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed, as she suffocated him with love... literally.

The king chuckled nervously, as he let out a small cough.

He felt as if his ribs were about to burst under the pressure of his friend's strong embrace.

Thankfully, she noticed his discomfort and carefully placed her smaller friend to the ground.

After coming back to his senses, he added

"I hope you received the gift I sent you yesterday... I wish I could've handed it to you in person..." -He said, sounding sorry.

"Of course I got it! And i LOVED IT! In fact, I am wearing it right now!" She replied with excitement, as she pointed to the holliberry-shaped hair clips on her hair.

"I'm glad you liked it." Pure Vanilla Cookie said with a soft grin.

Hollyberry Cookie playfully ruffled her friend's hair and thanked him, before speaking again, with a big smile plastered on her face:

"Now let's not just stand here! You certainly didn't come all the way here for nothing. Come on in and make yourself at home! let's go and get some tea!"

"Haha..! I'd love that." Pure Vanilla Cookie replied.

Hollyberry Cookie dragged him by his small hands all the way through the corridors of her huge castle, that Pure Vanilla Cookie admired strongly.

Once they reached the dining hall, they both sat down.

Hollyberry Cookie told him to sit down and approached a couple of the maids to ask them to prepare some tea.

It was evident how much respect she had for her and the other staff just by seeing how she talked to them as if they were close friends... no, they were close friends to Hollyberry Cookie.

After all, the Queen was known to be very friendly and kind to everyone around her. You could always count on her.

Suddenly, she cleared her throat as she sat back down in front of Pure Vanilla Cookie.

"Sorry, this place is a bit messy, we've had a long day... Y'know, many parties, banquets, contests.... We're all tired from that, haha." She said.

Now that she mentioned it, Pure Vanilla Cookie finally noticed the eyebags under her eyes...

Cookie run kingdom x Ancient child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora