chapter 8 A Massacre in the Girl's Bathroom

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My morning was chaotic as usual. Malfoy with his minutely injured arm was glaring at the Gryffindor table where Harry, Weasley and the rest were having a cheerful conversation. I was slightly nibbling on my bread and was thinking about the trap door and the dog guarding it. Why was the dog guarding the trap door?

"Let's focus on eating now, shall we? We have the entire day to think about our studies and grades", Blaise said.

"Uh-yes, " I uttered softly still drowned in those thoughts.

My days went well as usual but one week later something happened at the Great Hall that printed a permanent scowl on Malfoy's face. Six large Screech owls came in carrying a long, thin package and placed it in front of Harry's table. They went out to see the package and just as I thought Malfoy with his puppets followed them. I had no interest in knowing about it but when I was sitting cosily in my common room, Malfoy entered and from the look on his face, I knew Harry must have received something really good. I asked Blaise and he told me everything. The package turned out to be a broomstick, a 'Nimbus two thousand' to be exact. I knew the broom was the best one yet and Harry deserved it. He proved his flying skills that day and apparently, he also got selected in the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a seeker. Halloween approached earlier than I thought. Not only the students but also the teachers were in a festive mood. Professor Flitwick even announced that he would teach us how to make things fly. I just knew the wrist movement and the magic word but never tried it with my wand before. We had the class with the Gryffindors. Professor Flitwick put the class into pairs to practice. I was paired with Daphne.

"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practising! Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too - never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest."

The magic seemed easy but my feather just moved a little and fell down on the desk.

"Oh, well done!" cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. "Everyone see here, Miss Granger's done it!"

When I tried again, I could make the feather fly, but the feeling that Hermione did it better than me wasn't settling right. I had two more classes left before gathering at the Great Hall for Halloween. After the classes, I couldn't go to the Great Hall. The fact that I wasn't at the top of my class was eating me out. I knew that now the students must be buzzing in the Great Hall, thus I decided to go to the girl's bathroom. When I entered the bathroom, I heard someone weeping.

"Who's there?", I asked but there was no reply.

"Who is it? And, why are you crying? What happened?"

"It's none of your concern! Leave me alone!"

"Hermione?! Is that you?! What happened? It's them, isn't it? Listen, open the door and come out!"

"No! You leave me alone!"

"No, I wouldn't unless you tell me what happened!"

She slowly opened the door and came out. Her red eyes were still gleaming in tears as she wiped them with the sleeve of her dress.

"Now tell me what happened."

"No one wants to be friends with me."

"And why would you think so?"

"I am a muggle-born! This is why no one wants to be my friend, even Ron said so!"

"What exactly did the Weasley say?"

"He said that I am a nightmare and that no one can stand me!"

"Listen, Hermione! It takes a lot of time to be friends with someone, your blood has got nothing to do with it. Only the Slytherins might not like you, other than that everyone would really like to be your friend. I have been here for two months and I don't have any friends even after being a Half-blood. So, don't worry about it. Now I think we should go to the Great Hall."

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