23: TIME

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"hao hyung! look here!" zhang hao heard the young korean holding up his phone, ready to take a picture

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"hao hyung! look here!" zhang hao heard the young korean holding up his phone, ready to take a picture.

"no, no, I don't look good in pictures!" zhang hao shouted at hanbin from afar, he went to the gate near the big pool to lean on it.

at that time, hanbin stared at the older for a while before raising his camera and taking a picture of him.

"perfect," he said, whispering to himself.

"did you just take a picture of me?" zhang hao walked closer to hanbin to check on his phone.

"hm. you should look at this hyung. you look so pretty. who says that you don't look good in a picture?" hanbin smiled widely, proudly showing the picture he took of zhang hao.

zhang hao was feeling a bit insecure, but when he looked into hanbin's eyes, he was staring at him as if he really is the most perfect person standing on earth.

the chinese couldn't help but shut his mouth. he didn't dare to protest, he didn't want hanbin to show a frown which would also hurt his heart. besides, the picture the younger one took was actually good.

"you're a good photographer." zhang hao tapped hanbin's shoulder before leaving to take their seats.

"are they perhaps?" the stranger in disguise whispered to themselves as they took more pictures of both of them.

"hao hyung! wait!" he laughed, catching up to zhang hao who waved his hands as if they were in their world.

"you better hurry up." zhang hao said, hanbin immediately ran towards him and they sat next to each other not knowing someone was sitting across them, taking secret pictures.

the dolphin show was a captivating spectacle that left the audience spellbound. as the curtains lifted, a magnificent pool shimmered under the warm sunlight, creating a stunning backdrop for the graceful creatures that awaited their cue. the show unfolded with a seamless blend of music, choreography, and the awe-inspiring acrobatics of the dolphins. both of them enjoyed the show a lot, clapping their hands, and even laughing together until their hands are wrapped together without them knowing.

with each leap, twirl, and dive, the dolphins showcased their incredible agility and intelligence, captivating the spectators with their playful nature. the joyous atmosphere was palpable as the audience cheered and clapped in admiration. the show not only entertained but also served as a powerful reminder of the beauty and intelligence of these marine creatures, leaving everyone with a newfound appreciation for the wonders of the ocean.

"that was amazing." zhang hao couldn't stop clapping his hands, his smile was so wide as he was impressed by the show. 

"it...really was." hanbin thought that the show was amazing as well. deep down, he realized what was more amazing is that he gets to see a different side of zhang hao. him clapping his hands, shouting along to the other audience, his face was brighter than ever.

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