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"oh, that's...very nice of you." zhang hao looked down on his thighs.

"ah.. uh, yeah. you're welcome..." hanbin rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as they both looked away.

"s-so, w-where did you find this wallet?" hanbin tried to break the silence once again.

"o-oh! it was on that table when you met us yesterday. how did you even forget your wallet?" zhang hao asked, but hanbin only smiled at him.

"maybe my mind wasn't in the right place yesterday..." hanbin said. zhang hao just nodded his head, adjusting his seat and eating his crepe cake.

"this is delicious." zhang hao covered his mouth while chewing. the younger can tell by his eyes that zhang hao liked the cake he offered him.

"i knew you'll like it." hanbin happily said. hanbin felt as if they were on a date. it was a very simple interaction but it sure made a big impact on hanbin's life. for the first time, he felt like he wanted to protect and treasure someone's feelings.

"hao hyung, i have a small request..." he looked up slowly to zhang hao who was still eating his cake.

"hm? what is it?" hanbin rubbed his thumbs together, nervous about his answer.

"would you like to be featured in my video this monday?" the offer made zhang hao's eyes wide. he put down his fork and stared at the younger.

"a-are you sure you want ME to be in your video? I don't really know anything about asmr." he lied, of course, the boy watched hanbin's videos every single fucking day.

"i think my viewers are going to like you so much," he said.

'just like i do now...' that passed hanbin's mind.

hanbin suddenly pinched his arm, making him groan and startling zhang hao.

"a-are you okay? why are you pinching yourself?" of course he had to ask, what kind of sane person would hurt their own body suddenly?

'why did i think of that just now, that can't be, can it?' he thought again, snapping himself back to reality.

zhang hao grabbed hanbin's arm to see the red mark due to the pinching. he looked at it with sincere eyes, rubbing it slowly as hanbin groaned to the pain.

"I-I'm okay... sorry. I think I need more rest..." he awkwardly laughed it off.

the older didn't seem convinced as he furrowed his eyebrows a bit, his lips pouting too. the younger found it cute how zhang hao likes to pout his lips when he's confused.

"I'm okay, hyung. Really." he smiled.

"you seem pale though and you're sweating." zhang hao put his hand on hanbin's forehead as he did to himself.

"you're cold... even though you're sweating. you sure you're really okay?" the concerned zhang hao stood up from his seat to grab both of hanbin's shoulders. his face made hanbin so happy that someone is worried about his well-being.

"can you drive a car, hyung?" the younger asked.

"yeah. d-do you need help going back home?" hanbin smiled at the answer and god damn, it made zhang hao's heart flutter at how he was always flashing that charming smile.

"take me back home, please. i don't think i could drive well in this condition," he said. zhang hao's face was red, but he nodded anyway. he would be lying if he wasn't worried sick about hanbin. his lips were chapped and his whole body was covered in cold sweat. zhang hao can see the tattoo on hanbin's neck due to the wet shirt. it made him blush even more.

"t-tell me the directions... here, let me h-help..." as hanbin tried to stand up, zhang hao put the younger's admin on his shoulder as he carried him slowly outside towards the car hanbin pointed.

zhang hao got into the driver seat as hanbin went inside the passenger seat with zhang hao's guidance.

"my apartment isn't far from here. after you see a big blue building, just go to the left and I'll tell you where to drop me..." the younger instructed, his eyes looking droopy.

zhang hao got more worried and worried. he quickly started the car and drove away towards a safe destination.

meanwhile driving, zhang hao kept on checking on hanbin who was closing his eyes a few times.

"hold on a bit okay, we're almost there... i guess.." hanbin gave him a little smile before pointing toward a tall white building. seemed like it was his apartment.

zhang hao turned the car as they went down the parking lot. the older got out first from the car and took hanbin's arm on his shoulder again, providing support. they went inside the elevator. the chinese clicked on the buttons before moving up to the 15th floor of the building, where hanbin's room was at.

they got out of the elevator and went inside hanbin's room. the sweet smell of hanbin filled the air around zhang hao like a warm embrace. it was a combination of his cologne, mixed with a subtle hint of sweat and musk, that made his heart race with anticipation. zhang hao closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating aroma that enveloped him.

it was a scent that spoke volumes about his masculinity and strength, yet it was tempered with a gentle sweetness that hinted at his softer side. hanbin got off zhang hao's body slowly and slouched down on the sofa.

hanbin was feeling sick and run down, and it was all because he hadn't been getting enough rest. it had only been three days since he decided to decrease his working time creating content and videos, yet he was still lacking rest due to other activities such as going out, preparing props, and even gaming.

his eyes were heavy and his head throbbed with every beat of his pulse. he felt like he had a foggy cloud hanging over him, making it difficult to think or concentrate. his muscles ached, and his throat was sore and scratchy. he knew he should have been taking better care of himself, getting enough sleep, and taking breaks when he needed them, but the demands of work and life had left him feeling drained and depleted.

he envied those people who has loved ones taking care of them since he lives alone. now he was paying the price, feeling sick and miserable, and wishing he had made more time for relaxation. zhang hao looked over at hanbin who looked so sick and exhausted, he couldn't help but pull a chair and sit next to the younger, he was scared that hanbin might pass out and there was no one to help him with his condition.

even though they just met and had a proper conversation today, he couldn't bear to let a suffering man be on his own, especially the one he always adored. hanbin felt heavier pain in his head as he groaned and shut his eyes. his sweat dripping from his forehead as he furrowed his eyebrows in pain.

"ah... sorry. I'm not feeling well at the moment... thank you for dropping me by. you can go home now, hao hyung. thank you so mu-"

"I'm not leaving you like this alone. you're sick and there's no way you'll be able to take care of yourself right now." zhang hao was fully worried about hanbin's condition.

"h-hyung..." hanbin said, reaching out to zhang hao's hand and rubbing it carefully.

"you're too nice... we just met, you know.." he chuckled.

"d-don't laugh, i know you're in pain.." zhang hao looked away and pulled his hand back.

hanbin once again smiled at the older, grabbing his hand again and putting it on top of his chest while holding it...

"then, stay with me for a bit," he said before completely shutting his eyes.


i hope you like this update! sorry if it takes too long for an update to come :((

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