chapter 6 !

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Kirby was parked in the parking by Central Park, while Bailey was on the look out for anyone suspicious on the phone and sam and tara walking around waiting for the call from ghostface.

Dakota laid between Ethans legs as the two shared a packet of Cheeto's together "so are we really doing the whole phone tracing thing that never seems to work in the movies" mindy says as Kirby chuckles at the girls comment "it'll be all like 'keep them talking sam two more minutes and just as we almost trace them he hangs up" mindy says as her brother mocks every word she says as Dakota tries to hold in her laughter.

"I can actually trace a call in under 15 seconds" Kirby says as Mindys face drops.

"well you have them out there as bait, because the killer usually calls from somewhere near by" 

"and you think they're safe cause its broad daylight in a public space. thats exactly how our uncle randy died, midday, a public place yanked into a van, stab, stab, stab no more randy" mindy says as Kirby nodded her head as Ethan offered chad a chip making Dakota smile to herself.

"hm, hey sam stay safe out there" 

"yeah were good" sam replies, and not long after the phone rings. "your gonna die you know" 

"oh no, your gonna die Samantha as a chop up your sister and Dakota as your choking on your own blood" 

"not unless we find you first" sam speaks up as Kirby zoom in on the computer to the location.

"for a mastermind your not really that smart, waiting for me to call thinking im near by so the police and grab me well guess what im not im a step ahead" ghostface says as he hangs up the call

"did you get it" sam asks 

"yep geo location is coming through right now" Kirby says as she starts to zoom closer on the street to west 96 st "he's on the upper west side" Kirby says making Dakotas heart drop and her fingers start the fidget

"wait on west 96" Dakota asks as Kirby looks over at her and she nods

"how did you kn-" before Kirby could finish her sentence Dakota cut in "my mom"

"we have to go" Dakota says and Kirby nods shutting her laptop before hopping into the drivers seat before driving down to west 96 street.

Dakota still in Ethans arms more anxious then she could ever be worrying what could happen to her mom and Ethan noticed her worry as he started to draw shapes on her back

"you ok" he whispers and Dakota shrugs as she falls back into his arms

"were here" Kirby says quickly pulling up to the doors as Dakota jumps out as she sees her mom nearly lifeless getting pulled out

"wait that my mom" Dakota screams running over to her as she hold onto her moms hand

"mom im right here not leave me please, I cant lose you too" Dakota says tears filling her eyes as gale gives her a small comforting smile which gave the girl hope that she still has a chance.

you're on your own kid - screamUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum