07 • Hot Proposal

Start from the beginning

I couldn't let myself get lost in her. I needed to keep my head.

"This is just sex, right?" I clarified. Wanting to make sure we were speaking the same language. Fun could mean a lot of things. She thought spinning around in circles on stage was fun. "Just a one-time thing. No feelings involved?"

"That's right. Just a one-time thing," Tan replied.

Her nails raked over my skin and fuck I had to suppress another groan. Women put their hands on my chest all the time, but there was something about the way she touched me while she was looking at me like that.

It was more than hot. It was...intimate. I cleared my throat. No. It was just hot. Men like me didn't use the word intimate.

Tan was playfully biting her lip, and damn, she knew exactly what she was doing to me. Focus, Dom. You need to clear up one more thing before getting down to business.

"And you'll help with Gemma's wish? This won't get weird?"

"Absolutely. I'm one hundred percent drama-free. You don't have to worry about things getting weird. This is purely for fun." She patted my cheek with her palm. "And I'm sure you're going to be the most fun I've had all year."

Having my ego stroked by a beautiful woman who wanted to fuck me was the highlight of my year. "Is that so?"

Tan nodded, biting down on that lip again and forcing me to stare at her mouth. "I've been thinking about your body all day, and I never imagined you'd be tatted from wrist to hip."

I raised a brow. She'd been thinking about me all day? I guess the professionally tailored suit I'd finally broken down and bought was worth every dime.

"You're like a superhero," she continued with a sassy flip of her long hair. "Whip off the glasses and the suit, and you're ready to save my pussy from a villainous vibrator. And, if I'm being honest, the tattoos are hotter than a cape."

My lips kicked up in an unavoidable grin.

"Is that a smile?"

My lips immediately flatted into a straight line. "No."

See, she is just into you for the tats, or some superhero fantasy kink. It's not for any other reason.

"Liar!" Tan shouted, poking me in the chest. I had to command my god damn lips not to twitch up in another grin. God, she was so hot when she got defensive. "You were smiling at my vibrator joke!" I rolled my eyes, trying not to show just how much fun I was having. "Now, don't go using up your fun quota for the day on a smile. You haven't even kissed me yet. I wouldn't want you to pull a muscle."

My dick was as hard as a baseball bat just thinking about her using a toy on herself, and I needed to regain some control over this situation if I was going to last more than five seconds. I grabbed her chin, holding her gaze, and holy fuck, looking into her playful eyes almost had me smiling again.

This is a no strings attached hookup, asshole. Keep the feelings in check. Focus on the act.

"If we're going to do this, you need to tell me what turns you on."

The playfulness in her gaze disappeared. "I-I do?"

I nodded once. "At the ballet studio, you were upset that I wasn't giving you enough attention." She gave me a defensive little look that I saw right through. "Don't deny it. You couldn't stand the fact that I wasn't looking at you."

Tan drew in a sharp breath, and I forced myself to hold her gaze and not grin because god she was so cute.

"Well, you have all my attention right now, and I just asked you a question. What turns you on? Is it praise or," I dropped the tenor of my voice, "degradation?"

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