The Festival

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Outfit *Isabella's POV*

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*Isabella's POV*

The day of the festival or known as the day everything changed. I was getting ready at Missy's house and we were having pres before the festival. Missy's brother Jai was able to get us an over 18 wristband so that we were able to drink while we were there as well. During the festival we saw Amerie and Harper and decided to hang with them for a bit and go get the caps off of Cash. On the way back to the crowd we ran into Spencer White, more commonly known as Spider.
"I didn't think I would see you girls around here," Spider says
"Where's your other critter? Missing in action?" I reply referring to Anthony Vaughn
"Couldn't make it" I zoned out after that and only came back when Spider was holding out a drink to me, "want one Bell?" "oh, thanks" I say while slowly taking it while I kept eye contact with his green eyes for a bit to long. Before I knew it Amerie dragged Missy and I off to a fortune teller. I didn't want to do it cause I don't believe the shit they say, but I didn't want to disappoint Amerie.

*Spiders POV*

I watch as Isabelle or Bell as I call her walk away with Missy and Amerie to some fortune teller leaving Harper and I. Harper was staring at me with a disgusted look "what?"
*sighs* "god, you are so in love with Izzy" Harper retorts back matter of frankly
"I'm not, we're just friends" I reply trying to convince myself
"pfft as if, but she's to good for you" she says which hurts me a bit but I won't show it as Harper walks away and Bell comes back to me after hugging Missy goodbye.

Harper watched them as she walked away. She watched how Spider was teasing Isabelle and poking her about what the fortune teller said and how she was laughing and swatting his hands away. In that moment Harper realised it wasn't just Spider who was in love, Isabelle loved him just as much.

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