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Haha- motivation go brrr,

But believe it or not I survived school!
And after careful consideration I'm going to rewrite some of this book- it's just not going in the direction I wanted it to go.

This includes updated designs! and hopefully art-

I'm going to keep the book mostly the same but change the bad unmotivated caused parts-

Also it's going to be just a better more planned plot, and have a dragon 'club'.... which is totally not a cult :>

Honestly... whould you guys be okay if I just post the updated version on a new version of the book? As Rewriting and fixing this one would be a huge pain.

Thank you for the people who stuck around! Also to the people who just read this shit in general.

I'm also going to try and write short stories to help with motivation and inspiration since you guys deserve better than half-assed work!

Thank you for being so patient and I glad people are enjoying it! 

A dragon and his royal doofus (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now