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A young boy wandered through the seemingly endless hall. Tightly clutching a piece of paper, he looked down at it and lifted it above his head to admire his work. His smile spread as he thought about how much his father would like it.

With a new prep in his step, he started to bouncily skip and twirl towards the throne room. Pausing at the large mahogany door to excitedly pound against it.

Hearing his father mumble a come in, he pushed the doors wide open with a smile still plastered on his face.

"Father! Father! Look!" The child happily squeaked and shoved his drawing into his father's face.

Bouncing up and down he waited for his father's response.

His father removed the paper from his face, stared at it with a blank expression and looked into the gleeful boy's eyes.

And ripped it.

"Fath-" The boy held back his tears and stopped bouncing.

"Enough " His father shushed him.

"But-" at this point the kid's eyes looked like he was about to cry, but he still kept the smile he had before. Seeing this his father sighed and picked him up. Gently rocking the now crying child, he wiped away his son's tears and began to hum.

"Your a son of a king,
You may soon command the room,"

He paused for a moment to kiss his son on the head.

"But until that moment you're still young."

But that youthful joy may be nothing but gone."

He lowered his voice at 'nothing but gone' and began to walk them out of the room. The child just sniffed and buried his face into his father's cape.

"It may be hard,
you may need to be stronger than the rest."

He rubbed his nose against his son's. His son giggled a little and the father continued,

"But soon you may rule the room.

So you need to learn to hold your head high~,

And you need to learn to charm the room~.

And soon your soldiers will salute you."

He spun him and his son around so they faced a staircase.

"It's a hard task for one so young, I know this well~. But it's our duty. It can't be passed on to someone else "

He hummed and brushed his son's fluffy hair out of his now grinning face. The child's eyes sparkled of a golden dawn with little hints of amber clouds and fading stars.

The father adjusted his crown with a hand, then his son's.The child just yawned and snuggled into his fathers chest as they began their ascent.

" I sing this song to sooth you,

I sing this song so you can sleep

I sing this song because your father loves you."

The father opened a dull door into a brightly painted child's room. Old toys and stuffed animals were neatly sorted out on either side of the child's bed.

"I know it may be hard"

The father kneeled and sat the child down, pulling a blanket over them.

"I know it may be rough"

The child rested his head on his father's hand.

The father kissed his son's forehead and got up.

A dragon and his royal doofus (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now