"It's the last bite," Chote papa danced the spoonful of rice before my eyes before I opened my mouth to eat it. I threw a tantrum for lunch, but Mahadev had given me a family who knew how to handle me or any kind of tantrum. "I need to sleep," I whined when Yug Bhai imitated me, making me throw a napkin ball at him. "Yug, don't tease her." One growl from Chote papa and Yug Bhai had a scowl on his face.

I walked back to my room, changing into comfortable jeans and a loose tee. I was about to hit my head on the pillow when my phone buzzed, and I mentally groaned for the note this day started at. Aahana's bright face flashed on the screen as I answered the call; this was her photo from when we were sixteen.

I ran downstairs to the porch as my girl was finally here. She took me into a tight hug while I wrapped my arms around her. "I missed you, girl," I heaved a sigh and she faced me. "Did you cry?" I arched a brow at her. "No." Her face bore a suspicious frown, but to whom would I be kidding? We have been best friends since the time we were in diapers. Abhijeet Khurrana is my father's best friend, and Aarana aunty is my mother's. They all went to college together and passed their friendship to us. Not only me and Aahana but Aridhaan Bhai and Abhimanyu Bhai also inherited the same.

Abhimanyu Khurrana, aka Abhi Bhai, is also a businessman. He took over Khurrana Enterprises after he graduated college with Bhai. Abhijeet uncle expanded his business to the US at the same time I left for the US. Abhi Bhai not only monitored me but also helped me handle RR there. I learned a lot from him, and he loves me no less than he loves Aahana. We all grew up together to be a family.

"Okay, I'll believe that for now." She looked around, and we spotted Bhai walking toward us.

"Aridhaan Bhai," she ran toward him, and Bhai took her in a hug. "Bhai and Dad apologised for their absence," she squealed, making Bhai chuckle.

"Of course," Bhai shrugged, giving her the key cards of her room. "I'll have a talk with your dear brother and ask him to explain his reasons to Nanu and Nani himself. Your room is next to Aru's. Your luggage is already sent; have some rest."

He was called by one of the staff, and he walked from there with a smile.

"Let's get going," I pulled her to her room, and after she freshened up, I ordered her lunch. While she feasted on her food, I lay on my stomach, nuzzling my face into the pillow.

"This won't choke you," she chuckled, sitting beside me. I groaned as irritation seeped under my skin.

"Now spill the tea, bestie."

"He is here." I straightened up, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Who?" Of course, she had to act all dumb and oblivious.


"Who's Rudransh?" I wanted to slap her now.

"Throughout 26 years of my life, there is only one guy I ever ranted to you about." Her eyes widened, and water spurted out from her mouth as she looked at me.

"Tell me you are kidding. But how is it possible?"

"I wish I was kidding, but sadly I am not. He is Ridhima bhabhi's cousin." I hit my head with the pillow, cursing my stars.

"Tell me everything in detail." She rested her spoon on the plate and turned toward me, ready to indulge in the gossip.

"Weren't you the one who complained about life being boring yesterday?" After I told her about everything, this was the best thing she could come up with.

"I wanted it to be interesting, not traumatic." She controlled her laugh at my irritated groan.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Ignore him as much as I can." She nodded, thinking about something.

"Isn't it destin-"

"Stop it, Aahana. Don't be delusional, and let's not forget what he did. I just got back, and Mahadev welcomed me pretty well. I don't want to snap back to the place where I was when I left." She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back, and I took a breath of relief.

"It will all be okay." We both dozed off into slumber after talking about everything we missed in the last two weeks, only to be woken up by Aahana's ringing phone.

"Why can't we just sleep through the wedding?" Aahana's playful smack on my head jolted me awake from my slumber.

"Get up from the bed! Ankita aunty called twice," she complained, prompting me to lazily rise from the bed and shuffle into the washroom to freshen up for dinner.

I opted for loose baggy jeans paired with a tube top and a loose shirt. With my lady love in town, there was no compromising on our outfits. She had one rule clear: as besties, we dress our best and twin the best. Despite her petite stature and playful demeanour, no one could mistake her for anything but a sophisticated 26-year-old designer.

"I have your sneakers placed near the dressing table, and wear mascara too. Your eyes look drowsy," she commanded from the washroom, her voice echoing to where I stood by the door.

"Yes, Mom," I joked, saluting with my hand as I obliged to her orders.

My phone chimed once more, signalling Bhai's call. I answered, settling the phone between my cheek and ear as I stretched my neck to secure it properly while tying the laces of my shoes. "Yes, Bhai, we'll be there in five minutes. Please handle Mumma," I huffed, listening to his lecture about us being late for dinner.

"I need an OOTD picture!" Aahana pulled me into the washroom to snap a mirror selfie, her usual tradition.

We walked out of her room and locked it back before heading to the dining hall where the dinner buffet awaited us.

"But Aru, one thing I wanted to ask?" She hurried to catch the elevator while I pressed the button for the ground floor.

"As if you're going to hold back if I say no?" I teased, squinting at her, but she just flashed me her bright smile.

"Yeah, anyway. I thought about being formal, but never mind. Did he change at all in appearance?" She tugged at the edge of my shirt, making me turn to face her.

"Who are you talking about?" I pulled my shirt out of her grasp and faced the elevator door.

"After 26 years of existence, there's only one 'he' you talk about besides your brothers. Don't give me this 'who am I talking about' thing," she replied, her eyes urging me to spill the beans.

"He still has the same deceptive aura that makes you believe everything he says or confesses, as if it's all true and real. The same deep eyes that seem to hold the world for me, but I know they're deceptive. I'm not falling for it again. His voice still carries the same genuine tone, but I don't understand why he's trying to explain things and fool me again. I mean, one instance of damage is enough, right?" I explained, feeling a tear escape down my cheek. Aahana hugged me tightly, and I reciprocated.

"It's okay. I understand. You don't have to deal with it alone; I'm here for you. If he dares to come close to you without your permission, I'll break his bones," she vowed, wiping away my tear.

"He's 6'2", nearly a foot taller than you. You won't even reach his height to slap him," I pointed out, making her pout before bursting into laughter. "Damn these tall men! I need a taller boyfriend who can break his jaw for me. Or maybe Aridhaan Bhai?" I shushed her, glaring in her direction as we arrived outside the dining hall.

"No, Aahana! No one in the family can know about him, not even Bhai. You know how protective he is of me. I don't want to create any ruckus at Sharvan Bhai's wedding," I cautioned, cupping my lips and widening my eyes.

"Oops! Noted! Then a taller boyfriend it is!" She laughed at her own words and pulled me into the dining hall to get done with our dinner.

⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ⋆🌿✦🌺✦🌿⋆*:・゚✧*:・゚✧⋆

Happy reading!

Have a beautiful day!

The Moon to my nightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant