🏠Chapter 19: Some Answers🏠

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The lady placed plates of food for the Maddie, Evee and Nate, also a plate of food for Wally and drinks.
"Not sure if you eat dearie."
"Thank you."
Wally looked and analysed what he had been given as food.
The lady turned to the other three,"I suppose, from you having my husband's creation, you desire some information about the show and him?", Nate nods,"Uhm. . . Yes Madam, is he here or. . .", she shook her head,"No, dear. . . He passed away years ago.", they looked up, she put the shotgun down as she drank some water.
"My husband. . . He wanted the show to touch on people with disabilities like ADHD, ADD, Autism, OCD and even on same sex marriage with his two characters Frank and Eddie, he wanted the show to have so much and it was successful. . . But my husband wanted it to get bigger and bigger, and he was often a perfectionist which sometimes lead to someone getting annoyed.", she sighed,"He had been found dead on set, in Wally's house or-Home.", they froze, Wally looked up; His creator was dead, and found in Home?
Surely Home wouldn't have-
"He was found dead, with a scale model of Home slammed onto his head."
Maddie frowned,"Wait. . . Like, they stuck. . .", she nods,"Yes, his head was stuck in it. . . No one ever knew how that happened or who did it, but all there was, was just dead body and his sketches. . .", she stood, walking towards a box amd dug around it for a moment.
The humans look at one another and at Wally, who seemed tense watching the lady come sit back down and place the papers on the table and push it to them.

(Art is Not Mine, but these were found on Pinterest so I have no idea who made them but if you do; They did a good job)

(Art is Not Mine, but these were found on Pinterest so I have no idea who made them but if you do; They did a good job)

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They stared at it

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They stared at it.
She sighed,"After the death of my husband, they wanted to still run the show in honour of him but companies wanted to take the show in a way that my husband would have despised. . . But it was heard from staff members that strange things were starting to happen that lead to them deciding to just take the show off air.", Maddie nods,"I can. . . Understand why, especially when there was a murder on set.", they all knew that children shows sometimes come with consequences, or dark things come out when the show gets popular like Sesame Street and the person who played Elmo was accused of something.
"Wait. . . So Home was going to be an actual character?"
She nods,"And my husband wanted so bad to play 'Home', so he made the character like himself; A perfectionist, a bit of a control freak and 'Home' was supposed to be a type of Landlord, keeping up with the residents and making sure their homes were in tact.", then something clicked for Wally.
He vaguely remembers it, but he remembers people in his house making the eyes move and remembered someone would carry uin around and talk about the show, about painting and about the future.
. . .
Home wasn't alive before.
But something gave it life.
Nate seemed to have some of the same thoughts as Wally, as a FNAF fan he had a bad feeling.
"If I nay ask, your husband. . . What did he do to bring them to live?", she sighed,"I can't answer that dearie, but I believe the handlers or puppeteers, voice actors truly brought them to life; Life always finds a way.", Nate looked at his friends, could it be possible.
Home is. . .
Ronald Dorelaine?
Then it hit them; Their friends were inside there and looking!
"We have to go."
"I know."
The lady smiled, patting Wally on the head and hugged him,"Go stop the madness my husband started.", so they darted out to the car, calling out goodbyes and thanking the lady for some information.
And without a moment to lose, they stepped on the peddle and they zoomed.

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