🏠Chapter 2: The Set🏠

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Emma and Evee walked the hall, the keys by Emma's side and they saw Nate pulling at the wall and suspected he was pulling the handle.
"A hidden door, wonder why they'd hide that?"
"Who knows, keys?"
Evee held up a ring of keys, groaning Nate took them and began to try each key.
"By the way, that caller from our studio?"
"What about it?"
"They called here."
Nate pointed to the phone, Emma picked up the phone and Evee leaned close to listen in.
. . .
"They called here too?"
"Yep- I dunno, what their deal is."
Emma put the phone end back on the table, Evee debating whether or not to hang up but they figured the caller would hang up like always.
Nate smiled as he helped up the key,"This is the one!", he pulled it out of the ring, putting the king of keys by the old phone and pushed-
"Damn this door is heavy!"
"Hold on, let's help."
Emma and Nate pushed open the door, slowly it began to open as the hinges squeaked from the lack of use and the weight of the door.
"Jesus Christ. . .!"
"Woah. . ."
Evee grabbed something to hold the door open, then they entered and were taken back by the sight in front of them.
"Looks like we found the set."
They saw colourful trees, bright green grass and through the trees could be The Neighbourhood.
"For a set that's been closed for years, it's actually in decent condition."
Nate, Emma and Evee walked through the trees and onto the path.


"Woah. . ."
It was The Neighbourhood!
They could see Eddie's Post Office, Howdy's store and all the houses like Poppy's, Julie's, Sally's and Barnaby's.
"Then there's Home, or Wally's house."
It was the main house in the neighbourhood, it was in the centre so it was like the heart of the Neighbourhood.
Evee entered the post office, peaking inside she noticed the strange empty feeling it had with the office being empty and a mess, with colourful envelopes scattered around and a phone book on the desk.
Nate went inside the store, not seeing any sign of the Puppet Howdy but there was rotten food that stunk the place up,"Why on earth is there real food in here??", there was old toys, books and merchandise so that's also good for so Nate snapped pictures.
Emma walked around the neighbourhood, looking at the houses and tried to peer inside the windows but found them blacked out with paint and while the houses were a little drained of their colour due to time it was obvious who's house belonged to who.
"Hey, Emma; Any sign of the puppets?"
"So far. . . No."
Nate jogged over to the girls,"The shop has real food inside as well as old merchandise, foods rotten though.", "And the Post office as the colourful envelopes we got about this place.", with that, Evee held up a colourful envelope much like the ones they had received about the show.
Looking around, they noticed how this place was like a world in a box as if you looked up the sky seemed to have lights that shine down of them for it to be daylight.
And if they looked around, they noticed a car, a hill and a garden of flowers, and just different sections of the neighbourhood that could be for episodes, but why did the crew or director have the set in this box rather than having different sets seeing as this place was pretty big.
"Bloodly hell; How is this place still in decent condition?"
"Yeah, if you ignore the colour that drained over the years, it looks the same."
Evee walked over to Home, noting the black stains running from the windows,"Most of them, Home's got black paint running down here.", they walked around Home, noting the trees in the back and the eyes in the window that blocked their view from looking inside.
"This Home character was alive like, The Encanto Home?"
"True, but it seems. . . Inactive, now-?"
"Shh, shh."
Emma held up her hand, silencing the two of them.
. . .
What wad that sound.
Nate moved his hand, was that the sound a Western Electric phone like the one in their studio and outside this set?
Evee reached out for the door, slowly turning the handle and pushing open the door.
The house dark, she turned on her flashlight and shined it inside the house to find a furnished house, complete with paintings, fake plants and even an old TV that had static playing.
They looked at one another and entered, hearing someone still putting in a number on the old phone.
They slowly crept in, tip-toeing and towards a door that the sound was coming from.
Evee nudged Nate or Emma to open the door while she held the light, so Nate reached over for the handle and slowly turned and opened the door.
"Hello. . .?"
. . .
"Hello. . .??"
"Hello. . .?"
They saw the phone receiver fall to the floor with a bang, Evee pointed to the light and. . .
There standing by a painting, paint and a phone was a 3ft Puppet with blue hair, colourful clothing, a permanent smile on it's face.
But. . . It was standing, with no Puppeteer near by and it was just talking.
"Di-did you just. . . ?"
"How is that thing standing-?"

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