Ochobot: Ok, let's start with teleporting within this room.

Flora: *Exhales* Ok, I know how to do that.

Ochobot: Ok, I want you to teleport to the end of the room.

Flora: *Looks to the end of the room* Ok. *Breathes in and out before teleporting to the end of the room. Landing on one foot for balance* Ok, that is so different from Shade's teleportation powers.

Boboiboy: Hmm. *Snaps his fingers* Boboiboy Solar.

Solar: *Teleports to Flora* Actually that is quite normal to happen.

Flora: How so?

Solar: My Solar Leap, Ochobot's teleportation, and Shade's Dark portals all operate on the same factor of speed in a short period of time. As we travel we carry speed with us and as we exit we will carry some excess kinetic energy as we exit our teleportation state, it's a common factor when using teleportation.

Flora: So, what? I brace for that every time.

Solar: Not necessarily, it all has to do with control if done correctly you will be able to cancel out the excess acceleration from your jump the moment you exit the teleportation state.

Ochobot: Solar is right, since you are very new to using these powers it's natural that there will be some hiccups here and there.

Shade: At least you didn't get stuck in a wall.

Solar: Shall we test another thing while we are here?

Flora: Another?

Solar: Yes, which is where I have bare expertise in.

Flora: Portal creation.

Solar: Precisely, as you know I am incapable of creating light portals as a consequence of temperature but Shade, Lunar, Eclipse, and Ochobot are able to create portals without consequences to the travelers.

Shade: Hmm, right. You have a bit of experience with my dark portals so this should be very similar to what you're familiar with.

Flora: Yeah, this should be alright. *Extends her hand out and a small human-size portal opens up and another portal appears from the ceiling.* Hah, it worked

Boboiboy: Awesome. *Transforms back*

Flora: *The portal closes and Flora stumbles to her knees*

Shade & Bbb: Flora!! *The approach her*

Flora: *Breathes heavily* W-why am I-I so-

Bbb & Shade: Tired?

Flora: Y-yeah.

Boboiboy: That is the effect of using teleportation. *Hands her another energy bar*

Flora: *Quickly eats it*

Shade: Yeah, it takes a lot of energy to use teleportation much less portals.

Flora: *Gulps the bar down* I see why you fainted that one time, Aar.

Boboiboy: Heh, a mistake that I would happily warn the both of you.

Izumi: That is so cool.

Flora: Heh, right.

Ochobot: Guys, you should all start to prepare your last-minute preparations. The meeting is in an hour and a half.

The 3: Thanks, Ochobot. 

Boboiboy: Is the TV ready for Izumi?

Flora: Well, we will have to find out.

Shade: I'll get our armor-

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