chapter 5 "Binge Party"

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Minho pov

"Yah! You're going to the hike today right?" I yelled from the inside the bathroom for dae..

"Yes!!" He replied..

"Sigh.. i told Pen pal not to use my costumised blended cream but she doesn't listen.. she doesn't even have skincare routine" i walked out the door telling dae all of it..

"I'll talk to you later when i have time okay!" Dae patted my shoulder before running out the door.

"Thanks! Great talk!" I scarsaticly yelled..

I sat down on the chair thinking what should I do today..

"Uh son!" I heard my mom say from the other side of the video call as her stylist and makeup artist fixes her makeup and clothes.

"Hi! Mom!" I said excitedly as she put everything on pause.

"Right. Because you're important should i pause everything?" She said as i felt bad to intrupt her.. "no no it's fine.. I'll talk to you later." I said ending the call.

"Ok, so I'm heading out now!" I heard Q say walking out the door..

"Wait Q!" I ran after him out the dorm.

"What do you think about if i join you and dae?." I asked walking with him as his posture changed a bit to nervous..

"No! No.." he suddenly yelled making me flinch..

"Come on. I don't get to hang out with you guys anymore." I said.

"No no you can't!" He walked a bit faster.

"Q?... What are you hiding.? Dae's is going and-" "and so is kitty.." he cut me off..

"Not cool bro.." i shook my head as he turned towards me.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with two of my friends joining me in my favorite club" he said speed walking out the hall..

"You know what...? Sigh..." I opened my phone quickly dialing a phone no.

"Heyyy... Guess what i found out..."

Dan pov

"Hey!" I skipped my way to kitty.


"Where is dae?" I asked looking around and at the same moments dae appeared streching beside Q until his eyes fell upon kitty. He swiftly made his way towards her as i gave them space.

"Hi? What are you doing here?" Dae asked her. Ok don't come at me for eavesdropping i have to she's my bestie.

"Uhm i was wondering if we could still talk as friends..?" She questioned.

"Yeah sure!" He replied as i saw him clutching on his bag.

"Ok, so! My mom went here to kiss at the same time as yuri's mom-" she said refering to the photo album she has of her mom. The photo she saw of her mom with yuri's mom..

"Dan?" I turned around to source of voice. "Miller?" I hugged Madison as she was a very good friend mine..

"Didn't know you were outdoorsy?" She questioned raising her eyebrow.

"I'm not.. kitty is.." i pointed at the broken couple beside me as from the corner of my eye i saw yuri walking upto them..

"Sorry I'm late!" She yelled for everyone before going towards dae.

"Yah..! You're going to hang out with kitty and i have to hear it from Minho. Huh?" She whispered to dae in Korean as kitty looked at them jealous.

"That's not like that. We're friends.".

XO, Kitty || Minho × Female OC Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt