Twenty-six (Lemon)

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"What did you think of the baby?" Mikasa asks as they walk out.

"Oh my goodness so cute! That baby looks just like Eren oh my gosh, can't tell him that baby isn't his."

"You think so?"

"You saw those eyes and that damn big ass nose. All Eren."

Mikasa laughs, "What do you feel like eating?"

"Well I kinda want that Chic-Fil-A but It won't be good when Eren gets to it. So I might get something else."

Mikasa chuckles a bit with a smile, "Like what?"

"I don't know, before we went home we fucked up some Chinese food. Maybe that. Do you guys have Mexican food here?"

"You'll be on the toilet for days dude."

"Next!" She laughs.

"What about some good ol pasta?"

"Thats so Italy, but so good. Can we get it to-go though? Kinda tired."

"Yeah." Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa was across the hall from Y/n and Eren's room. At first, they thought about getting a 2 bedroom suite but with the way their sex life is set up, Y/n changed her mind. She opened her door and stood in the doorway, "If you need anything Mika just knock... Oh! Actually..." Y/n took a card from her pocket and handed it to Mikasa, "Just come in if you need something."

"Thanks, I would give you a keycard but I might meet somebody and have a goodnight you know? So I don't want you to walk in on that."

Y/n giggled and went into her room closing her door. She set the food on the table and went to roam around the room, checking it out.

 She set the food on the table and went to roam around the room, checking it out

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But Y/n was more interested in the fact that the bathroom was open as fuck. She felt everybody was staring at her, but nobody could actually see inside. Unless they had binoculars or a telescope.

 Unless they had binoculars or a telescope

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The bathroom was beautiful. Y/n soaked for a bit and turned on the jets relaxing and clearing her mind before stepping out of it and turning on the shower to rinse off. She grabbed a towel and walked into the bedroom with it picking out something cute for when Eren returned. She wore a cute cropped tank and some shorts to bed. Then she popped her food in the microwave.

Desire (Eren x Reader) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now