What's the Harm, Right?

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I stretched happily as I looked around my newly decorated room. It was fresh and perfect to start the next school year. I hummed happily to myself as I opened my blinds, letting the warm late summer sun fill my room. Suddenly, there was a muffled knock then the front door opened after some key sounds. I poked my head out to see my other roommate closing the door behind him. "Oh, you must be my new roommate, hi, it's nice to meet you." I walked out and closed my bedroom door behind me.

I tried to hide my shocked face to see a male standing before me. I assumed a girl was going to room with me, but I supposed not. "Oh.. You can just call me Moon.." He sheepishly said before shaking my hand. I smiled gently at how soft his hand was. Taking a closer look at him, I realized he was part of the Monster race with his purple hair and glowing eyes. I usually didn't mind Monsters, as long as they kept their political face out of mine. You could usually tell the difference between a Monster and Human was the oddly colored hair and eye color they procured, it was almost as if they dropped out of a fairy tail.

"Wonderful! Well, I think I'm about to go get some food so you can settle in." I pulled my hand back and headed for the door. "Have fun!" With one last wave I left and closed the door behind me. I exhaled and looked at the path as I wandered towards some food places in town. I have never lived with a guy before, more or less a Monster, I was a little nervous on how I would react. I just hope I don't end up forcing him to leave and change locations. I perked up and noticed an Italian styled diner up the road. I almost ran inside, not noticing just how hungry I became after unpacking for so long.

The cafe was cozy and modern themed. Though, I couldn't bring myself to dine inside, so I ordered take out. It would be weird to be the only single person surrounded by a bunch of couples. That was fine, I didn't need to eat there anyway, I could just eat in my room to give that Moon guy some space. Though, with each step towards my apartment, the more nervous I became. I almost felt like I had to act differently around him so he would accept me as being a different race. I might not care about racial differences but he might. And why did he have to be a guy? I cursed myself out as I unlocked the front door.

When I kicked the door closed, I ran smack into a wall, or what I thought was a wall. "Oh- sorry." Moon quickly moved out of the way, seeming to be embarrassed. I blink a few times and rub my nose. Moon was rock hard underneath his clothes and boy was that sexy. Nevermind that he was a guy, he's a hot guy. "It's all good, just glad I didn't hit you with the door.." I trailed off, wondering how I didn't in fact hit him with the door on my way in. I shook my head and walked over to the couch that was in the living room between the two bedrooms. I plop down and begin to dig through my food, trying my best to ignore Moon so he didn't somehow feel uncomfortable around me.

I hummed a little bit to myself when he stepped outside after a short while. "Maybe he smokes.." I wondered out loud, looking at the front door. I was quite curious about him now, even though he didn't do anything to pique my interests. Perhaps it was just because he was different from me and the kind of people I usually hang around with. I quickly averted my eyes when I saw the doorknob start to move.

He came back in with a delicious aroma coming from a little bag he was carrying. "Can I sit too?" I looked up and raised an eyebrow. "This couch is yours as much as it's mine, be my guest." I scooted over a little bit for extra measure. He nodded and sat down, getting into his bag. Turns out, they guy got Chinese dropped off to him, wish I would have thought of ordering it online rather than going myself.

"So, are you a freshman?" He asked, poking at his food. I blinked and swallowed my food. "Hm, no. Sophomore, what are you?" I asked in return, taking another bite of food. "Senior but.. I'm probably gonna drop this semester anyway.." He said rather dully as he pushed his food around. I tilted my head at his comment. "Why?" I asked, causing him to look startled and look at me. "I mean, you've already come so far, why stop now? That's just a waste of time and money." I mumbled through my food.

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