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"Superior Than SaiDa"
BerryChae, Minarguin, HyeYah, and (5) Others

Hiyyih: Chaeyoung-sunbaenim? Can I ask you something?

BerryChae: sure!

Hiyyih: how did you choose us to be part of this group?

JJ: that's a good question tbh

BerryChae: well.....

BerryChae: Sunghoon, Olivia Hye, and Heejin were the most talked about when it comes to having resemblances to Mina.

Sunghoon: hhmm interesting

BunHee: I can see it

BerryChae: Kazuha did ballet and she's a very pretty Black Swan like Mina.

Kazuha: oh.... Thank you, sunbaenim!

Minarguin: how long have you done ballet?

Kazuha: I started when I was 3..... Sooooo..... About 15 years?

JJ: oooooo! 😧

Hiyyih: wwooowww

Minarguin: you beat me by 4 years heehee! I could tell whenever I watch any performances where you incorporated your ballet skills, you are very good!

Kazuha: 😳t-thank you!

BunHee: so anyways, what about J?

BerryChae: to me, she looks like a balanced blend of me and Mina. Like some angles in fan cams, I kinda trip out a bit thinking it was either of us and we just don't remember the stage. The long hair helps more

JJ: do I really? Oh my😊

BerryChae: and finally, Bahiyyih came from an unexpected reason that I just happened to stumble across one day.

Hiyyih: ????

BerryChae: you know those deepfake videos?

HyeYah: wait.... You didn't really...?

BerryChae: there's this one where someone face swapped Kep1er's faces onto ours and I swear, Hiyyih's looked TOO good as Mina!

Sunghoon: that sounds a bit creepy but also fascinating

Sunghoon: no offense

BerryChae: all good!👍

Hiyyih: it's okay. I find it kinda cool ngl

BerryChae: hiyyih, you need to have short black hair for a comeback. You would rocked it!

Hiyyih: whoa for real? Uummm thank you I guess? Lol I might consider it!

Minarguin: Chaeng, is it the one of our Scientist dance practice?

BerryChae: YES!!

Minarguin: okay I thought so. I remember scrolling past a clip but it was only a couple seconds

Hiyyih: okay, I have to watch this video! And show it to my members. I'm too curious now

BerryChae: I'll send ya the link when I find it! FR it's so weird how smooth it looks

JJ: hang on.... So where do you come in with the resemblance, Chaeyoung-sunbaenim?

BerryChae: I mean I already explain you lol but everyone else?

BerryChae: idk......

HyeYah: 🤨bit anticlimactic huh?

Kazuha: maybe in personality or something?

BunHee: Olivia is a quiet beast but does that still count?

HyeYah: thanks, Unnie.....

BunHee: 😁

Minarguin: I can accept it.

Minarguin: actually, Hiyyih, you kinda have Chae's and my smile. The softness of my eyes with her cute grin.

Hiyyih: wjiwowhf83

Sunghoon: I think you broke her hahahaha

'Your Ocean-Like Eyes' | A MiChaeng ChatFic (ft Various Idols)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu