Like fire, when is turns blue, its more hot

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I'm Dai, Dai Locke. A calm, collected man, whose secretly a very known "villain." Yeah, didn't expect to be known as a dipshit but that happens when you're born with a different power and learned to hate what the literal hero is. But hi, nice to meet you. "Hey! Stop monologuing into the mirror! We can hear you from here!" Yelled Sarah after hearing my speech.

"Fuck, I was doing that again?!" I yelled, not even realizing that I was talking to myself again.

"You do it every time you do your skin care routine." Said Nathan laughing. Yeah this happens too much. "Anyways go get your little doodad suit on or whatever you call it, we've got another bank to rob!" Nathan cackled trying to mock those stereotypical villain laughs.

"You tried your best Nathan... You tried your best..." She said giggling. "By the way, Dai, Envy has a sidekick now, I forgot his name but I think it was Jealousy, get it, Envy and Jealousy." She tapped my arm, I thought about it. Why? Envy has a beautiful and extremely powerful power, why would he need a sidekick.

"Oh well, we'll deal with them. Chaos beats everything, yeah no not really but still." I said, getting on my suit. My suit is very casual, because I don't care for the fashion bullshit. Its a simple compression shirt, and simple, I would say, "emo-ish" baggy pants. And boots that very easily sick to any surface. Then a gasmask, because it looks sick. My power is known as "Cryptic" which means I have weird claws and tail, they can very easily be hidden, thankfully. But I can use a huge scythe and little followers with weird black goo. Nathan has a bow and arrow and small guns that shoot plasma that help my followers get more strength. While Sarah is a sorcerer, she can curse and use telekinesis and many other things. We're all roommates and a little silly. Envy has the power of snow and purity, a power than can easily wipe all of my followers and weaken me. But his "suit" is a giant fashion symbol, I mean, It's pretty, but why. But he has a white compression body suit with no arms by going to the legs and neck too, then a very sway light blue train dress with a split in the middle and then very moveable crystal shoes so he moves fast with an eye mask that covers his identity and a nice veil, don't know why he has it but it matches with his golden blonde medium length hair. I haven't seen who are what Jealousy is, but I'm excited.

"Ah yes here we are! The bank!" Nathan applauded, we went in, like normal. "Okay you know the drill fuckers! GIVE US THE MONEY!" Nathan screeched while the banks alarm rung and the people ran and trampled over each other.

"Give us the money." Sarah said using telekinesis to carry a bunch of cash until, a big guy flew into the bank bursting the formation of money Sarah had and making money fly everywhere. Sarah had to get steady again, this big guy had giant armor and a hammer.

"So this is Jealousy? A big giant brunette Gepard from honkai star rail?" I snickered. He ran, charging at me, I jumped and summoned my scythe. I latched to the ceiling and looked at the areas I could even escape, followers were behind the workers taking money into our base through a portal Sarah summoned. Until the main entrance.

"Well hello hello, hope you made a nice entrance and greeting to Jealousy now please lets get this over with!" He said lunging at me, then me naturally flipping away and throwing the scythe at the giant glass wall, and it shattering everywhere.

"Yeah I wouldn't say warm welcome!" Nathan yelled cackling. Sarah looked like she wanted to die trying to hold off this big 'hero' named jealousy. I jumped down and kicked Jealousy down, he wasn't even knocked out, I quickly used the goo to blind him, until I got a chuckle sandwich in the face by Envy. I fell, leaning on the wall, I saw Sarah and Nathan tied together knocked out. Soon I was slowly blacking out until I saw Jealousy get up and heard faint talking.

"We got them, like always" Envy said looking at me.

"Yeah, you're just that good my hero." I saw Jealousy smile, then glide to his lips, they kissed. "This dude called me a brunette Gepard, pretty creative" He laughed

"Thanks." I said then blacking out. What did I just witness?

I woke up in my medic bed, in our base. I remember that scene. It's confusing me, I hated seeing that, It made me want to kill jealousy. Yet I never want to kill Envy? It made me feel a giant amount of rage. I realized I had a bunch of wires to me while Sarah looked really confused. "Okay what did I awaken now?" I said as a joke.

"A new power." She said, looking at me shocked. "The last moments in the fight, or before you blacked out. You were so angry all of your followers got stronger, and your scythe turned a dark blue instead of your usual crimson red." She said looking at me. I was so angry that somehow I got a new power. "I think something, or an emotion made your brain make your powers become like fire, blue fire is more hot than regular red fire." She explained, she kept looking at the iPad she was holding and she looked more confused than ever.

"I think I know the best emotion to capture this." Nathan said in the chair right next to me, he looked at me with a stern look, which isn't normal for Nathan. "Jealousy."

"That would make sense, but why to Envy? You like, hate him." Sarah said looking at Nathan then me. I was speechless, I couldn't say anything. Why Envy, why did I feel Jealous of the man actually of the name of Jealousy.

"When the fight 'ended' when I was close to blacking out I saw Jealousy and Envy kiss. After that Jealousy said a remark and I replied with thanks, then I blacked out.

"Oh my god. They aren't sidekicks, they're lovers" said Sarah, walking over to the big screen next to my medic bed. "Dai look at this photo" she said showing a picture of Envy on her iPad.

"Your brain is softening your powers looking at Envy." Remarked Nathan, with a confused look.

"Now look at this photo." and she showed me a photo of Jealousy. Soon, my hair turned blue, which one side was originally red. Same with my eyes but they were originally green. "Holy fuck."

"We think you're in love with Envy, but I think you going up into an aggressive amount of rage means that Jealousy actually might be a really bad thing that could end in him using Envy." Nathan explained, me? In love with Envy? Fuck.

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