Chapter 1

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I'm actually doing this for the first time.
My name is y/n y/l/n and two weeks ago I got bit by a radioactive spider which gave me incredible power. Since then I've realized how cool I am.
I guess we'll see what happens.

Two weeks before the spider bite:

I'm watching the new Batman movie with my girlfriend Gwen. We basically have the theater to ourselves.
I was never popular. I even got bullied, so when a girl like Gwen showed interest in my I was shocked but jumped at the chance.

Gwen: Isn't that the dude from Twilight?

Y/n: I don't know I haven't seen Twilight.

Gwen: Oh I think you'd like it.

She grabs my hand and starts leaning in.

Y/n: I don't know if vampires are my thing.

Gwen: Well I know something you'll definitely like.

Gwen places her hand on my cheek and leans in further to connect our lips.

After a few seconds she pulls away and thank God we're in this dark room or she'd see just how red my face is.

Gwen: I don't think anyone can see us back here. Soooo....

Suddenly an old couple infront of us turns around.

Old man: SHHHHHHH!

Cock blocker.

Gwen: Guess not.

She pulls away from me and sits back in her seat as if nothing happened.

Two weeks later:

I'm currently talking to the receptionist of Oscorp.

Y/n: I here for an interview with Norman Osborn. About the gene splicing technology I was sent by the Daily Bugle.

Receptionist: Are you a reporter? You look a little young.

Y/n: I'm uh- I'm an intern.

Receptionist: Looks like your on the schedule. Top floor last door.

Y/n: Thanks.

I head up to the top floor and to the large, some might over sized, doors at the other side.
I'm allowed into the large office and see the man himself writing something at his desk.

Y/n: Uh Sir?

Norman: Oh. My apologies I didn't see you there. You here for the interview, yes?

Y/n: Yes sir I am.

Norman: Please, call me Norman. You can follow me. I'll show you the lab.

Norman takes me down to the basement, which was an awkward elevator ride. Once we get there Norman explains some of the science and I jot down some notes.

We walk through multiple rooms and come up to a red door with what looks like an alarm and camera on top.

Y/n: What's in there?

Norman's charismatic smile falls.

Norman: It's nothing important.

His smile quickly returns.

Norman: But what's in the next room is something truly incredible.

I follow him into a room with probably fifty glass tanks of spiders.

Y/n: Spiders?

Norman: Our biggest success so far. Genetically mutated spiders.

He talks for minutes but I couldn't help but zone out. My eyes are drawn to the many tanks of spiders.
When Norman turns his back I walk to one of the containers.
With his back still turned I reach into my pocket and pull out a small camera meant for this sort of unwanted photo.

Norman: What are you doing?

The sudden shock of his voice makes me shoot up. Unfortunately the momentum sends me forward into the container.
Suddenly lights flash in the room and an alarm sounds.

Norman: What the hell?! Get up!

I push myself up.

Y/n: I am so sorry Mr. Osborn. I-

Norman: Shut up! I'm having security excort you from the building! Trust me when I say that the Daily Bugle will not EVER get an an interview with ANYONE ever again!


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