Their First Meeting.

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The next day, Matthew and his Father talked about something.

Matthew: Dad.

Gen. Parker: Yes Son.

Matthew: If you dont mind, i need a Car.

Gen. Parker: Yeah, why?

Matthew: I was wondering because i am now living on my own.

Gen. Parker: I Know, you have your own life.

Matthew: Yes, Dad.

Gen. Parker: Dont worry, i will buy the car for you.

Matthew: Thanks Dad, Where's Amy?

Amy: Yes Brother?

Matthew: Ahh, i knew you are here, im almost looking for you all day.

Amy: Ok, I Got it lets go for breakfast.

Matthew: Amy, i have an appointment in Iwo Jima.

Gen. Parker: Iwo Jima?

Matthew: Dad, Iwo Jima Memorial.

Gen. Parker: Why you go there?

Matthew: Dad, i was bumped by a girl yesterday and we swapped some things.

Gen. Parker: Oh Son, Your phone was swapped and your notebook too and you got a necklace and a pen.

Matthew: How do you know?

Gen. Parker: Your Mom told me, i thought you turned Gay because of the Flower Stuff.

Charlene: Yeah, i thought you are Gay son.

Matthew: Mom, Dad, I am not Gay, i was swapped.

Gen. Parker: Ok, Son.

Maid: Sir, Phone Call.

General Parker received a phone call from President Williams and Invited to the Presidential Dinner.

Gen. Parker: Hello, who is this?

President Williams: General Parker, This is the President, i would like to invite you for a meeting with the Joint Chiefs and  the Secretary of Defense.

Gen. Parker: Thank You Mr President, i will come in a Minute.

President Williams: See you in the Situation Room.

Gen. Parker: Yes, Mr. President.

Matthew: Is that the President, Dad?

Gen. Parker: They called me to the Situation Room in the White House.

Matthew: You became busy nowadays, Its a Tough Fight indeed.

Gen. Parker: Pretty Busy Yes. Right now, we have to go now And we will buy your Car what you want.

Matthew: I want a Black Mercedes Benz W221.

Gen. Parker: Why? you don't like sports cars?

Matthew: Dad, I'm not a kid to dreamed about that, i want a simple car.

Gen. Parker: Ok Son, lets go buy a car and one more thing, what time is your appointment?

Matthew: 9:00 AM.

Gen. Parker: Well its 8:45, you got 15 minutes.

Matthew: Ill take the Taxi.

Gen. Parker: No, You Drive in my Car, The Driver will be beside you.

Matthew: Dad.

Gen. Parker: I insist. You have a License Already.

Matthew: Ok Dad.

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