Let's See If This Works (Part 2)

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It's almost end of term, and I've not given up on my mission. I still watch the full moon, make spare notes, and practice until I feel like I'm going to melt with my sweat. It's taken it's toll - I only barely got an E on my History of Magic exam! I know, I know, that is still 'Excedes Expectations', but I'm a muggleborn. I need to prove myself! I need to fully complete the transformation with a wand so that I can spend the summer going without - or I could be expelled. I slow my breathing, and focus. "Animalis mutatio Form reformandam." I breathe. I feel a tingle run up my skin as I grow fur. And feel my ears begin to stick out. My nose becomes a snout, and I stand in my new form. I did it! I actually did it! I'm an Animagus! It won't take long to do it wand less now, at least by comparison. And besides, this stage is proven less likely to go wrong with furryness or boils. The rash was probably the worst. I wander over to the mirror, and gaze at my reflection. I'm a doe, tall and slim. I pound my hoof, yes this will be perfect. I'll be able to communicate with Potter, and I'll make a good diversion in case something happens. Slowing my breathing again, I trade my hoofs for hands and lose the tail. Standing up, I smile, and head down to the great hall for a bite to eat.

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