How Could I Not Have Seen It?

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Remus Lupin, one of my best friends, one of the kindest, gentlest, shyest boys around, was a werewolf. Oh, I don't mind - far from in fact. I just wonder how I couldn't have seen it! The 'sick aunts', the scratches, the cruddy explanations... I mean really! His nickname is even MOONY for crying out loud! The rest of the marauders must know. He's so at ease around them, and it would be impossible for his dorm mates not to figure it out in four bloody years. I have developed, over the last couple of weeks, a theory on how the marauders help him. Actually, the boys are pretty obvious - it's just that no one pays attention. So that brings me to now, staring out my window with some binoculars, watching the forbidden forest. There! I see a flash of grey - it's fur. Remus is wandering a bit - but how? At least for first year he must have been .... Oh how I hate to think of it like this .... Caged. Trapped. Someone let him out - but a human would have been bitten. I keep looking - they MUST be there, somewhere. Aha! Antlers, or rather, Prongs. Those bloody idiots. Extremely brave and unwaveringly loyal, granted, but still idiots. I'd bet ten galleons that Remus said the same thing. Well, I don't want to freak out Remus, an I want to be able to surprise the other Marauders, so I better get into their dorm. They must have some notes somewhere on how they managed it. Remus is my friend too, and I'll not be left behind!

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