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3rd Person pov:

"I'll follow any orders you give me and won't disobey them. I will only follow you and you only." Xiao said in an emotionless tone as he kneeled back down.

Aether was shocked that it had worked. He smiled. "Well then, I'll give you your first order..."
Xiao looked up. His eyes still dull. "...go get me the strong pyro vision wielder located in Mondstadt." Xiao didn't even hesitate and teleported to Mondstadt to find what he was ordered to. After all, that was all he had in his empty mind.

|New Pov Unlocked|Diluc pov:

I was having just enough of Kaeya and how much he drank almost every night at the tavern. Just thinking about it made me angry. But he was still my so called 'brother.' I sighed. It was very late, but I was currently walking us to the winery. The scenery was relaxing but I was more aware of my surroundings due to some enemy camps that were around this area.

As we were walking, well mostly me having Kaeya support himself on me, I heard something snap, almost likely a tree branch. Were we being followed? Was it the fatui targeting me again? I had so many questions running through my mind at once. I decided to ignore it and walk at a faster pace. Kaeya seemed to notice something was wrong since he mumbled.

"Is everything alright Luc?" He was still drowsy.

"I'm not sure, but try to keep up and not trip Kae."

I was basically dragging him. We made it to the winery safely. Kaeya was fully awake by now.

"What happened out there Luc?"

"I'm certain that we were being followed." I put my hand up to my chin and was in a thinking position.

"Could it have been the fatui again?" Kaeya asked

"Most likely. They've been after me since the incident" I said rolling my eyes.

Kaeya simply laughed, "I mean, you got captured by them once, you were gonna be experimented on. You escaped their grasp and that resulted in you nearly killing The Doctor. The number 2 of the Fatui Harbingers. Makes sense that they're after you. I bet he ordered them to come get you. He probably misses his 'little experiment.' Or they could simply just hold some kind of grudge against you." He shrugged and laughed some more.

(A/N: This isn't canon but I'd thought I would add this as a part of my AU)

"I suppose you're right. I wouldn't really care if they did or didn't in all honesty. Let's just get some rest. It's been a long night."

I started walking to my room and Kaeya did the same. His room was across from mine. So we were going the same direction.

Kaeya decided to break the silence I didn't know had gotten so awkward.

"Be careful Luc, we never know when something might happen. Especially since it's night out; the perfect time to give a surprise attack." Kaeya warned me.

"I'll be just fine. This wouldn't make it the first,  time now would it, Sir Kaeya?"

"My, so full of yourself, eh, Master Diluc?" Kaeya said shaking his head and letting out a sigh.

"You know I'm only joking. I'm always aware of when they'll attack. We don't want anybody getting hurt."

"I suppose that's correct...in a way."

We had finally made it to our rooms and said our good nights. I shut the door behind me and finally let out a sigh of relief. I just wanted to lay down in bed and sleep until I was woken up by a happy and noisy Blue-headed idiot in the morning.

I walked over to my bed, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. The windows also looked like they were opened by someone...
A break-in?
I felt a pain in the back of my head and then everything went black.

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