I bite the inside of my cheek. I never hated steam as much as I do right now.

"Girasole?" He calls again.

I blink, "I wanted to tell that I can't sleep over tonight."

I catch the stutter in his movements, "Why?" I hear the sulking in his voice. I smile.

He turns off the shower grabbing towel that was hanging over the glass door.

When he gets out the shower I jump up, sitting on the counter, reaching out for him.

The towel was hanging lowly around his hips as he steps on the shower mat below him. He takes my hand walking into the space between my thighs.

"I have a side job working night shifts at a club. The social interactions tire me out enough to sleep."

His brows furrow as his hands hold the side of my thighs, "A side job? Since when?"

"About a year or two. It's a club downtown called The Sanctum, it's hard for me to sleep so I work there to pass the time. It's where I met Tyson." I explain, studying his face attentively for any signs of contempt or distaste.

"You said you know his from work."

"Didn't say which work." I mutter.

Watching his face my stomach twists. He's guarded. I won't be able read him or know what he's thinking.

"What type of club is this?" He asked and I glance away from his sharp gaze looking at the floor.

"A strip club."

His hands pull away from my thigh but I quickly grab ahold of his wrist before he could fully step away.

"But I'm just a bartender. I make the drinks, give them to customers, and that's it." I rush out, pulling him back to me.

I pull my gaze back to him, "Are you upset?" He was quiet, looked as if he was analyzing what I said.

He shakes his head, "No, I don't like not knowing." He says, quietly, which throws me off because Carter is a very outspoken person.

I catch a water drop dripping down his chest, "I'm not gonna lie to you, there's other things you don't know but I'll tell you tomorrow. Promise." I drag my fingers down to his midsection, his body was still wet from the shower and he must cold from the goosebumps rising on his skin.

He releases a sigh, "Are you safe?"

I smile softly at his concern, "Yes, I'm safe."

"Good." He nods his hands returning to my thigh a little higher, under my shorts, "We will continue this talk tomorrow because there are somethings you don't know, but in the mean time..." He trails off pulling me closer to the edge of the counter as his takes a step forward.

My fingers reach the hitch of the towel and I follow the line of the white cotton.

His body was alluring. He didn't look as if he worked out everyday. He had wide shoulders and abs nor pecs weren't chiseled but you could make out the contour of the muscles, they were subtle and I could feel ridges when I run my hands over his torso.

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