"If that is what you want to call it then yes."

"Astryd and Tyson are here and we're kinda having a chill day."

"Chill day?"

I chuckle, "Yeah, it's a day where you do nothing and just hang—"

He interrupts me, "I know what a chill day is, Ivy."

"For all I know you probably don't know what a vacation is." I tease.

Of course I know he knows what a vacation is but it's so easy to tease him on his business man by day business man without suit by night persona.

It's also one of things I admire about him. He takes his work seriously and he cares about what he does.

I hear him scoff, "I know what a vacation is."

"Have you ever been on one?"

"Yes, one time when I was ten." If I didn't know any better I'd say he sounds pleased with his answer.

I stifle my chuckle, "In your adult years, cariño." I elaborate.

"I have took time off for a family emergency." He states as an answer.

"That's not a vacation."

"I know."

"One day I'm going to take you on a vacation." I promised. "Some where you haven't been before or we can even just chill at one our places."

"A chill day?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile at the tinge of excitement in his voice as it perks and I was proud that I was responsible for it.

"A chill day a chill week. I'll figure it out."

I hear a knock at the door and I yell to Tyson and Astryd that I would get the door walking down the hallway I go to the front.

"Hold on, Carver. Someone at the door."  I said into the phone.

Looking through the peep hole I recognized the person instantly whether it was by the suit or his stance as he stood holding the phone to his ear, I recognized him.

He hangs up the phone putting it in his pocket as I unlocked the door before opening it, "I thought you were—"

I couldn't complete my sentence because he kissed me, and it's as if the whirling feeling in my stomach never gets old.

I lost count how many times I've kissed this man and ever time his lips push against mine I am physically reminded that I am awe struck by this man.

His hands land on my waist while the other is gently cupping around my throat lifting my chin as he walks forward through the threshold of the front door and I walk backwards.

My heart was beating ecstatically.

I hear the sound of the door closing but I was too entangled in him to pay it any attention.

He pulled back from the kiss, standing at his full height, looking down at me but he fails to move his hand from my neck; instead his thumb brushes against my jawline and the area below my ear.

"What was the for?" I breathe staring at him in a daze.

"I would love to go on vacation with you." He mutters, his eyes glancing down at my lips and I become aware that my mouth that they were still open and I close my parted lips into a smile.

"You want a brownie? I made them the night of the beach."

The pupils in his hazel irises dilate and I know he was thinking about that night, about us. I knew he was thinking about it because I was thinking about it, and now we're both probably thinking about what happened and how good it felt.

Her LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now