Saving a friend

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3rd P.O.V
Technoblade started plotting "what ca i do to get Dream back" he looked up at the chaos in front of him Limbo was inconsolable death was trying to confort them and life looked to be plotthing as well

Kill Quackity

You care more than youll admit


Blood for the blood god




Summon Ranboo


Limbo has a secret


"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Techno yelled out of nowere suprising everyone he held his head as a pulsing red surrounded him Limbo Jumped up
"EVERYONE OUT ITS HAPPENING" they all rushed out leaving the red energy to expand destroying everything in its path, but just as quick as it began it ended and there stood Techno well the new Techno his crown was a deep black and red he wore a red suit and black cloak his eyes were a solid white and his fangs were sharper and bigger. Techno smiled "oh Quackity your going to need more than Dream to survive this time.

Everyone came back to a desolated and empty room "that Quckity better watch out now that The blood god has arrived nobody can stop him from protecting Dream.

Quackity was relaxing in his house while Dream was locked away in the cellar with no sense of sourounding he was under Quackity's control. There was banging on the door, Quackity got up to open it only to be grabbed roughly by...Technoblade? "I-i killed you" he whispered Technoblade the new god clicked his tongue "havnt you learned by now...TECHNOBLADE BEVER DIES" with that he hit Quackity over the head grabbed the book and Dream and returned to Limbo who was pacing "i have found him, now fix this"

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