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3rd P.O.V
The next day came way to quickly for Dream. Techno met dream in the kitchen andsat down with a bowl of mashed potatoes in hand to eat for breakfast. "Are you ready Techno" Dream asked slightly tensed "yah im pumped" he replied non chelontly, Dream new underneath it all Techno was terrified but he was here to protect him and he was sure he could do so.

-Time skip to the match-
They were ready Technoblade was confident but Quackity had something up his sleeve, something he has stolen from the gods, something that let him control ghosts, and he planned to use it on Dream. The match was going and Technoblade was winning until Quackity pulled something nobody could see but Dream became silent he froze were he was novody had time to react and before the knew it Technoblade was Dead and Quackity had won. But even tho he had won he kept control of Dream he realized he could use him he had found the perfect weapon to control the SMP. The admin himself.

-After the match-
Quackity dissapeard with Dream in tow leaving everyone else to clean up the mess

Technoblade P.O.V
That traitor Dream was supposed to protect me not kill me
"Well you are very unexpected" a women said suprised she was wearing a white gown and had long red hair, I got into stance ready to fight "relax child i will not cause you harm, but i must ask what happened to Dream i sent him to protect you, and if your dead why is he not here" she seemed mildly concerned "Who are you" i asked still not letting my guard down "oh im Limbo if a person dies before there time they come here to me" she smiled "so did Dream come here to" she nodded. There was a loud shout and a man in a robe with a skeleton face burst in "its gone little sister" her face grew frightened "that means someone down there has one of my children trapped" the man looked at her "you only have two under your watch who is it "Well Ghostbur stays to watch over his friends and Dream never came back after Yhe blade died "how exaxtly did you die child Dream was to protect you from the fighr "He killed me himself" i said irritaded she grew sad with tears in her eyes "they took Dream Big brother" she went into a panik attack "miss limbo what did they do to Drem to make him betray me" i asked fearing the reply "there is a book a very sacred book that allows the owner to control a premature spirit until the time of the users death or when they releaae rhe spirit, thqt boy likely stole it somehow and used Dream to win the fight" she cried her tears were gold and sad and suddenly i realized that i was going to have to get my friend back,

My way.

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