Everyone in class turned their heads back and started whispering, laughing at you.

"I've seen delusional Tristan fangirls but this is just too much!" You heard a girl snicker.

Tristan turned his head to you. "It's true." He said.

The teachers eyes wandered from you to him. "Then where's this thing you wanted to get her so badly?"

"They ran out. It's popular and they didn't have it anymore." He said non-chalantly.

The teacher sighed. "Fine. Go take your seat."

Tristan couldn't help smiling. "Thank you sir." He said before walking up to you and sitting next to you. He chuckled a bit and shoved you with his shoulder. "That was incredible! How'd you do that?!" He whispered.

"I don't know to be honest... I'm surprised too."

"I wish you were in all my classes so you could save me like that." He said.

"So why were you actually late? Making out with one of your girlfriends?"

"No. I babysat my little sister and her friend last night and they tired me out. I slept in." He said scratching his head.

Wow. That's actually kinda sweet.

"You have a little sister? What's her name?"

"Avery. She's 6."

"Wow she must be adorable."

"And loud." He added.

"But adorable." You chuckled a bit.

"But adorable, yes." He winked at you.

Your teacher clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention. "Today class we'll be continuing the project you started in the groups yesterday. I don't think there's much left to be said so I'll leave you to your brushes and pencils."

"What did you take?" He asked.


"Materials. What do you want to do? We could do a collage, a sculpture, a painting anything you want im fine really." He said.

Your eyes widened a bit. "Give me a second please I need to process this." You blinked repeatedly. "I never took you for the artistic kind."

"Yeah well, it's the only thing my dad forced on me and I actually liked."

This guy loves casual trauma dumping huh?

"What do you do?"

"Everything. I like sketching and painting the most though."

"That's so cool."

"It's whatever." He mumbled, blushing a bit. "So uh what do you want to do?"

"How about just a painting?"

"Alright I'll go get a canvas and set the base color down. Unless you want to do that. It's the fun part afterall."

𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑; T. Dugray Where stories live. Discover now