Chapter 7: The Skull Fairy

Start from the beginning

"Won't this mess up our current timeline?" Rebecca asked, ignoring their antics.

"It's like I said before. A planet consumed by a Chronophage becomes the new reality. In other words, having two of me exist won't cause a time paradox."

"So the past doesn't affect the future. That makes sense." (Y/N) nodded.

"Exactly! Pretty cool, isn't it? Norma's reality is not in the past. It's time was stolen. You can do whatever you want on that planet. It's not gonna affect me." The bunny waitress cuddled closer to him, "Weisz is like a fine wine that only gets more charming with age." She giggled.

"I'm the year X492 Weisz, who escaped the Chronophage to go on the adventure of a lifetime. You're the year X442 Weisz, whose time was eaten by a Chronophage. And now, we both exist in the present.  This universe of calamity created two branching histories that now coexist. Talk about a headache, huh? Meaning there's no guarantee that you're gonna get to live to be my age, young Weisz." He finished and the connection started to mess up. "You're on your own, so go down the path you believe in."

"Professor!" Rebecca called out before the call ended. Happy started frantically tweaking, limbs going haywire, "Give me a break!" "It is a signal interference!" Pino deduced.

The blaring of the ship's alarm screamed throughout the room. Shiki stepped to the front after he caught sight of something big. "What is that?" A huge shadow consumed them, everyone stared ahead at the giant ship.

"Oh no! That flag! Those are space pirates!" Happy screamed, holding his face with fear. Rebecca joined him, mimicking his actions.

"There's pirates in space?! Just when I thought space couldn't get any cooler!" Shiki beamed in excitement.

"There's nothing cool about getting killed!" Weisz screamed at him. "Well stop yelling and get us outta here, Weisz!" (Y/N) shook his shoulder. But before he could make a move to leave, their ship was locked. They were entrapped in an orb, stuck in place.

"We've been captured by the battleship!" Pino squealed. "And we can't go anywhere, we've lost control." (Y/N) pointed out.

The Aqua Wing was now being pulled into the other ship. Weisz panicked in a frenzy, trying to find a way out but coming up short. "This kind of technology is way, way ahead of my time! Can't you do something?!" He turned to look at (Y/N). "My powers don't work on stuff like this. I can't phase out of ether attacks and this barrier is made of it!"

Rebecca looked closer at the flag, "Oh no, I recognize that flag! It belongs to Elsie Crimson, the Space Pirate! Conqueror of the Seven Cosmos!" She said with a look of dread.

"She conquered them all? I thought she couldn't get any cooler!" Shiki beamed up again.

(Y/N) eye's widened, "Woah, it's hers?! That's kind of cool. What do you think she wants?"

"To destroy us, that's what!! You have to do something, professor. Get us outta here!" Rebecca urged with great fear. "I'm not a professor! I never should've boarded this stupid ship." He grunted.

With no chance of escaping, the reality of what could happen right now started to weigh down on Rebecca. She fell to her knees, holding her face with terror. "Oh, Mother, what are they gonna do to us?"

"Why are they even targeting this flying piece of junk?!" Happy cried, his eyes looking just as fearful as Rebecca's.

"It's okay, guys. As soon as they try something, we'll take them out. Don't worry." (Y/N) tried to assure the group, but they were all lost in their own thoughts.

"Damn it! It's no use! I can't get away!" Weisz said as they were officially trapped inside the ship. The Aqua Wing crashed onto the ground, and everyone held onto whatever was close to resist falling, everyone except Shiki who used his gravity to sit on the wall.

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