Twelve: Day Of The Dog

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This new floor is awesome! It's kinda like a picturesque vacation spot: beautifully dense forest, massive shimmering lakes, and hearty log cabins strewn about. To make the floor even more distinct, there's not one massive city to be found. A lot of players have voiced their complaints, many saying it's boring and doesn't offer anything incredible. I think that in its simplicity alone, it offers something entirely unique. I've personally spent each of the three days it's been explored all at the same village. A lovely little place called Sakana village, an apt name since it's a small town sat right on the edge of the largest lake. Instead of massive cities or maze-like dungeons, the twenty-second floor is just one massive lake surrounded by forests and smaller lakes. In the village of Sakana, I found a small dock house that serves pub-style seafood. Montes hates anything from the water and Gambit complains about how it's boring here, so Korova and I are often left to eat alone. Today, we aren't alone. Across from the two of us at the four-seat table are Vivi and Layla. Korova and Vivi both ordered a simple fish and chips style dish, I got raw fish in the fashion of sashimi, and Layla got the same but with a different fish.

"Oh! I forgot I needed to ask you a favor."

Korova comments between bites.

"What's that?"

I reply, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"So Montes and Gambit wanted me to go with them to some giant player-held festival thing. I'm only going because there's going to be food and drinks made by players, which is always better than the NPC stuff. Since I know you don't like crowds, you think you could watch Skooter for me while I'm gone?"

I damn near choked on my food. Now, I'm not one to offload work onto others-

"Can't Vivi do it?"

She shakes her head and answers with a mouthful of food.

"I'm going with him. I would never miss out on a chance to eat good food!"

Desperate, I turn to Layla.

"And you? You're not going too, are you? I thought you hated public events!"

She scratches the back of her head.

"Well, you're not wrong. I won't take your place though. Instead, I'll join you, how about that?"

Do what? The girls have been to our house plenty of times before, but it's always been when multiple people are there. Never just Layla and I by ourselves. Vivi perks up and cheers.

"Yay! We can go and Skooter has babysitters!"

What did I just sign up for?

"Just make sure he doesn't jump off any roofs or anything."

The owner remarks while giving the dog one last pet.

"Do you really think that'll happen?"

I ask incredulously. Vivi taps him on the shoulder and hurries him toward the stairs, followed by Gambit and Montes.

"Thena's gonna meet us there too."

The Scarlet Swordsman announces from the stairwell. Just before going out of earshot, I hear Montes clap back.

"Your imaginary girlfriend?"

"She's real, you dick! She just doesn't love me yet."

And with that, I'm left looking down at the ground, where a small white dog occupies the space. I don't need to feed him, take him for a walk, or even let him out to use the bathroom. The only reason I need to watch him is because lately he's liked exploring the flat while we're gone. It's normally no harm, but Gambit's bed has been a victim a good few times now. Korova doesn't really care if or where Skooter defecates, he's just worried about the little guy being alone for so long.

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