Ten: An Unexpected Find

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"Alright guys-"

Montes announces while on the couch.

"-I'm about to head out. See you guys later?"

"Yeah, we'll be here."

I reply flatly. He's off for a meeting with his blacksmith buddies. It's a massive faction full of players trying to improve their smithing skills, and Montes has somehow made his way to their upper echelon. I've seen his work for myself, it's pretty damn good for about a month's practice. Pretty soon here he might actually be able to get a shop running and sell his own product for a living. As he heads down the stairs to leave the flat, I look at Korova and Gambit. My larger friend is tapping his fingers on the armrest of the couch while staring idly into space. Gambit on the other hand is shaking his foot vigorously, head on a swivel. Finally, he bursts out like he's been bound to explode at any minute.

"Okay! Guys check it out! I got a date with Thena!"

Korova looks up and raises an eyebrow.

"Seriously? Congrats man, I didn't think you could do it."

I notice he bites his upper lip and so I interrogate.

"It's not an actual date, is it?"

"What even is a date, guys?"

"One where both parties actively are aware that it's a date."

He thinks for a moment, taps his chin in deep thought, then slumps his shoulders.

"Okay it's not a date, BUT! I am hanging out with her alone on Valentine's Day, that's good enough for me."

Korova nods blankly and sighs.

"Yeah, guess that's at least something."

Not noticing his friend who's clearly bothered, Gambit storms off and clambers down the stairs.

"Don't wait up losers! I'm getting tail tonight!"

A silence falls between us. It's about ten in the morning on a brisk Tuesday, the date being February fourteenth: Valentine's Day. I don't have many plans, you need free time to meet people in order for that to happen. Unfortunately because of my situation, I spend all my free time planning jobs and maintaining my level. For the other three who get to do more killing than tanking, they get to go out and actually enjoy life. Korova coasts more than anyone, his masterful spearman-ship keeping him well-leveled without much need for overtime. That's why it's so strange he doesn't have plans today. I know that he likes to spend his time relaxing at home more than anything else, but surely he's met someone... right?

"Hey, Korova."

His silver eyes stay staring at the wooden flooring.


"You got any plans today?"


"Really? No friends to kick it with? No lucky guy or lady?"

He shrugs.

"You good? Want me to get you a drink or something? We have more colas if you want-"

His eyes light up and he shoots to his feet, freshly invigorated by something.

"That's it! This is the perfect time!"

I watch as he leaps over the couch and scrambles into the kitchen. Following him, with far less intensity, I see what he's so riled up about. Slowly, like a master alchemist in his potions lab, he double-taps the strange microwave thing of his. Then, I watch as a large crystal clear bottle is withdrawn. Like stars in the sky, his eyes glimmer at what he holds in his hands.

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