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It was currently 1am. I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard i tried, and I didn't know why! Laying awake, I decided whether i should call Miles or not. Miles is my boyfriend, and i was the first one he told when he found out he was spiderman.

I sighed and sat up, grabbing my phone and pressing Miles' contact. He answered almost instantly. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, concerned. I smiled to myself. "Miles, i'm fine..just can't sleep" i mumbled.

"Want me to swing by?" Without seeing it, i knew there was a smirk on his face at his stupid pun. I let out a small laugh though. "No, i just wanna talk.." I replied and there was a moment of silence. "Miles?"

"Just put my suit on, i'll be over in five" he whispered before hanging up. Rolling my eyes, i put the tv on, waiting for Miles to arrive...and he came in 5 minutes, just as he said he would. There was a knock at my window, I opened it, instantly knowing it was him.

"Come in, Miles, it's freezing!" I whisper-yelled, dragging my giggling boyfriend inside. "Nah, you get dressed, we're going on a ride" he replied with a grin. "Huh?" I hummed. Miles rummaged through my wardrobe, picking a warm outfit out for me before shoving it into my arms and ushering me to the bathroom.

"Get dressed, i'll wait" was all he said before shutting the door. With a shrug, i got dressed and walked back out, seeing Miles sat on my bed, his mask off, watching the tv.

"Ah, I finally get to see your beautiful face!" I commented with a smile, he turned as soon as he heard my voice. His face lit up and he rushed over to me. "Are you excited?!" He questioned happily. "About what?" I asked with a laugh.

He took me over to the open window before looking me in the eyes. "Do you trust me?" He asked. And without hesitation; "Yes, i always will" he was happy with my response, then he lifted me into his arms.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. Whatever you do, do not let go..and hold on tight, alright baby?" I nodded and did as told, nuzzling my head into his neck.

All of a sudden we were outside, the cold breeze giving me goosebumps. I gasped and clung onto my boyfriend. "Miles what are we- OH MY GOD!!" He began swinging along buildings with his webs. His stupid webs. "WOOOOO!" He yelled. I closed my eyes tightly, my grip on him getting harder. "I DUNNO IF I LIKE THIS OR HATE THIS" I shouted, hearing his laugh only slightly.

"Open your eyes!" Hesitantly, I opened them. I gazed at the building lights, a small smile on my lips as Miles swung through the air, a tight grip on my waist to keep me in place.

"You like it now, huh?" He teased, after noticing i went quiet. "Yes...but doesn't make it any less scarier" I murmured, blushing at his comment. (If you have dark skin, you smirk or smile)

⋆ ★

We stopped on a building, sitting on the edge of it to look at the star-lit sky. My head resting on Miles' shoulder as we looked at the sky. It was peaceful, quiet...so relaxing.

"Wanna do this more often?" My boyfriend spoke up, I lifted my head and looked at him. "Sure, it makes me really tired" I replied sarcastically, Miles letting out a laugh. He knew i only called him late if i needed help to fall asleep.

"I was expecting you to facetime me, talk me to sleep, but nooo..you swing me around the whole city" we both laughed "But you liked it" he responded, i nodded slightly. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess i did" i shrugged.

I lifted his mask, just underneath his nose, and cupped his cheeks. We both leaned in and our lips pressed against each other. I felt him smile into the kiss. We slowly pulled away and I removed his mask fully.

"I feel like i don't see your dorky face much anymore" i teased and he rolled his eyes, playfully shoving my face away. When our laughs quieted down, i laid my head back on his shoulder.

"I really love you, Miles..." I whispered softly. I felt him lay his head on mine. "I love you way more" he replied. Both of us smiling as we looked up at the night sky...it was peaceful. I felt my eyes grow heavy, and i fell into a sleep.

⋆ ★

Miles noticed you had fallen asleep and wanted to bring you back home. He picked you up again, securing you in his arms. You were so deep in sleep that you didn't wake at the constant moving. He held you tightly in his arms and swung back to your house.

Entering the open window, he gently set you down in your bed, tucking you in. You immediately cuddled into the warmth. Miles couldn't help but admire you, you looked beautiful all the time.

"Goodnight, baby" he whispered softly and stroked your cheek before kissing your head. He pulled the mask back over his face and left, shutting your window so the breeze wouldn't make you cold in the middle of the night..

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