Chapter 13: They Know

Start from the beginning

"Hopefully for the better," Reverend Grimshaw laughed. "It's lovely to meet you, and welcome to the First Church of Rhodes." He turned to face me. "Ms. Monroe, I know you said you're looking for some extra work -- and I could throw you a few bucks for this as well. But could you organize the closet in the back there? Some of the young boys got into it and, well..."

"Of course." I smiled at him. "And no need to pay me, Reverend."

He dipped his head, opening his mouth to say more, but was cut off by an elderly lady calling to him from closer to the front. "Oh, that's Mrs. Langston -- and you don't want to keep her waiting." At that, both Mary-Beth and I laughed. "It was great to meet you. We hope to see you again -- you are always welcome!" With that, the Reverend swiftly turned and made his way to the front pews. 

Mary-Beth smirked. "Y'all are awfully nice 'round here."

"I think he's real happy to see a new face. Not common nowadays, much less in this town." I glanced towards the back. "Mind if I help fix that closet real quick? Shouldn't take too long."

"I can help." I smiled as she got up and followed me. It was much nicer than I thought to not be alone for once. 

As we began re-stacking books and piling them back onto the wooden shelves, the church cleared. Soon it was just us and the Reverend at the far end, tidying up the pulpit before he'd be leaving. As he started to make his way to the door, it burst open suddenly. 

"We've been crossed, Reverend." The voice of Sheriff Leigh Gray was hushed and cold, echoing in the empty church. "Them boys gotta be some of those outlaws the law's been huntin', and we fell right into their trap."

"So it seems." Reverend Grimshaw sighed, putting a hand on Sheriff Gray's arm. "I'm sorry to hear."

The sheriff must have been keeping some of the townsfolk in the loop. Mary-Beth and I glanced at each other in alarm, creeping farther back into the shadows.

"We gotta do somethin'!" Sheriff Gray shook his head. "We got them into our lawmen, but now we gotta get 'em out."

"That insinuates killing them, doesn't it?" The reverend responded somberly.

"I'm afraid it does." The sheriff put his hands on his hips. "I need you to help tell some of the townsfolk. I'm plannin' on having a group of their boys come into town in a few days for a job — we'll have to make our move quick, and I don't want any civilians in the crossfire." My heart dropped.

"I'll warn them to not show their faces for the whole day," Reverend Grimshaw assured, his tone grim. "Thank you for the warning, Sheriff. I'm... it's a shame things have to be this way."

"Me too." Sheriff Gray turned towards the door. "I need to get back, but thanks for your time, Reverend. Maybe a prayer or two for us would go over well, whatever you do." With that, the large doors shut behind his exit.

Reverend Grimshaw sighed, his face in his hands. Then he solemnly got up, exiting the church as well. His face looked visibly distressed. Perhaps he'd forgotten we were there in the madness that was just explained to him. Mary-Beth and I looked at each other again, a mutual understanding in our faces. We shoved the last few books in the closet and got up, speeding to the back door. 

I unhitched Mabel who had been lazily grazing on the grass outside the courtyard. "Dear Lord," I muttered, "they know! Of course they know."

"I thought Sean had said they'd never figure it out!?" Mary-Beth gasped as I helped her up. 

"I told them it was a dumb idea," I grumbled, hoisting myself up as well. "We need to get back and tell them they can't go through with this job." I snapped the reins, causing Mabel to jerk forward into a run towards Clemens Point. 

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