Chapter 2 - Imprisoned

Start from the beginning

Because yes, he and Windu had problems, but threatening to torture him? And Yoda preaching about the Dark Side?! This is... he can't believe there could be a universe like this, but it's undeniably what he's trapped in.

The silence is beginning to drive him out of his mind when the door finally opens again, except this time it's... Obi-Wan. Anakin is not ready to see him again – he's not sure he ever will be.

It's hard to read his expression in the darkness. "Anakin?"

Anakin makes a quiet sound of acknowledgement, not wanting to talk beyond what he has to.

"How are you?" he asks.

"Why are you asking me?" he demands tiredly, "Don't disguise why you're here."

"I'm here to teach you our way," he replies. Anakin senses him approaching and hears the familiar hissing of the restraints hissing open. He doesn't dare move yet, either way – he doesn't know what Obi-Wan is doing. Doesn't know if he'll be willing to hurt him or... anything.

"I will not become a Sith," he insists.

"I'm not here to listen to your stubborn refutes, either," he chides. "Come, get up. I imagine you'd want a drink at least, by now."

Anakin won't admit to that – to just how much wants that, and to just be out of here already – but he gets up as ordered, standing a little unsteadily. Obi-Wan takes his arm to steady him with a surprising amount of gentleness, but somehow, those yellow eyes looking at him are even more unsettling in the darkness.

"Come," he instructs again, and Anakin follows, as though he has much choice. He can't trust this. He has no idea where he's taking him, and if he really cared, he wouldn't have waited days to show up.

"How long... has it been?" he can't help but ask as they step into the hall, and he blinks, trying to reorient himself to the sudden light.

"Three days," Obi-Wan replies, pressing his lips together in a near scowl, "They would not let me come sooner." His displeasure is obvious, but Anakin can't trust it. He has no way to know that it's truly fake and not a ruse for something – he knows better than to trust a Sith.

They leave the prison level but stop on a floor that doesn't... look much better, and Obi-Wan leads him into one of the rooms. It looks like a normal room, but it's obviously intended to contain its user inside.

He fights the instinctive urge to tense when he hears the door lock behind them. He expected this, though. Obi-Wan isn't here to free him – he's just doing what the rest of them are, only differently. That doesn't really make it better. It's worse with Obi-Wan, because Anakin always expected – trusted – him to protect him. Even if... after Hardeen, that changed.

"Sit," he orders, before moving to hand him a glass of water.

He does as he's told, more than relieved to not be walking right now. He's very worn out, even if he won't show it. He can't stop himself from downing the entire cup the moment he's given it, though. "What is it you want?" Anakin asks finally, unable to bring himself to look up. He can feel Obi-Wan hovering far too close, watching him. "I already told you what happened that brought me here."

"I know," his not-master assures, studying him. Something about his expression looks hungry. Anakin never thought he could see Obi-Wan look like that, but he is now. And it makes his skin crawl to see – his master was so light and good and kind and... but now he's... he's willing to hurt Anakin as if whatever they had in this universe meant nothing to him, and for all Anakin knows, considering how different it could've been, it probably doesn't.

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