Thought he does seem like a very nice person. I am glad he is nice to me. Doesn't question much about my past and I tell him as much as I feel like I can, he might as well be very curious for more but never pressures for it to be squeezed out of me. We talked for longer. About random things that crossed our minds. We finished our drinks and we still presumed our meet up for longer. I did text my aunt that I would be longer out of the house, I just mentioned I was getting a coffee which wasn't entirely a lie though.

Our good time was wrapping up and he did offer to take me back to his place so I could walk back to my house on my own. I of course had agreed. The drive was too fats for my liking. We exchanged our social media profiles and on one app we were able to text and even call if we wanted to. I was off to my guardians's house. The walk seemed longer and I guess it just how you feel when you have to go after meeting and chatting with someone you know or like, like a friend or something. He is the first one I actually had interacted more and we had exchanged socials as well so it has to mean something. We could be just friends, like him more than that but I won't say anything about it until maybe school. I need to find out about him in school, is he going to be acting differently with me at school and outside of the walls of it? I hope not. I hope I will get somewhat welcomed there.

Though all my thinking I reached the house and stepped inside. Showed my aunt my purchases and never once mentioned Samuel. I will tell them about him someday. I walked up to my room, place the books on the shelf and laid down on the bed and took out my phone out of my pocket and looked at his social media, one of his profiles. His photos looked amazing, he looked very good in them and most of all in his beach photos, he in swimwear. He got abs! Quite defined ones at that. I looked into his photos like a stalker, no he gave me his accounts names, so I am not stalking him, just simply looking through his rich adventures, good photos and his very handsome face and body. Gosh I feel like a thirteen year old girl who has her first true celebrity crush.

I had to get my phone out of my eyes and I took a shower to take my mind of off him. Uncle had arrived sometime later and we all had dinner, it was takeout food but from a good restaurant as they told me and the food was delivered to our doorstep and it tasted great. No complaints here. I again said nothing about him. Once I got to my room I noticed a notification had popped up on my phone, it was a text in one of the medias.

Samuel: Hey. I hope you had a good day today. I would like to meet up someday again. Obviously in school as well.

Camila: Hi. I would love to. So we are like friends?

Samuel: Yeah. I would like o be your friend very much.

Camila: I'm glad.

Samuel: Next week I will be out of town and the next next week will be the last one before school, so we could meet one day. What do you say?

Camila: Sounds good to me.

Samuel: Great. Maybe in a Wednesday if you have nothing going on that day?

Camila: I think I am free that day.

Samuel: Let's settle on Wednesday if something text. We might text even before our meet.

Camila: Of course.

Samuel: Good night, Camila. Sweet dreams.

Camila: Good night and sweet dreams to you too.

I laid in my bed and looked at the ceiling, trying to process the conversation. Two weeks and school will start. How fast does the time run? It left like almost yesterday the summer time had begun. I was smiling and I had not much of any ideas as to why or maybe I do. Only one word. Samuel. I promised myself not to get too hurt with my first love and I am afraid it can happen with him. But what if everything works out? Not likely as my life seems to be good one second and another it is all crashing down and the next it is seemingly fine. My life is a mess and to add another thing that could either be good or bad without knowing anything is scary. I might have to have a flake with aunt about this because I am confused and I have no idea what to do.

I should sleep. Or not. This can't be another sleepless night, I can't afford it. Maybe another talk with them about this, I don't want to but if this continues I have to. They might have noticed already. I am not good for them, I am a disappointment and what if in school I will do bad and they will kick me out and what will then my guardians think of me? They will hate.

Tears dropped to my face and I felt like a panic was rising in me, my heart was beating way too fast. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I somehow made it to the bathroom and drank some water to hopefully help me. I walked to my room and opened my window fully. I tired to breathe and calm down as I was instructed by the therapist I had back home after the incident. The room felt like it was spinning around me, I felt dizzy and weak. No. Am I dying? The can't be true? Can't it? Dropped to the ground.

Uncle rushed into the room and immediately sat me up and I felt my consciousness come back, my aunts worried eyes were the first thing my eyes were able to detect. I started to cry into my uncle's shoulder. I felt so bad that they had to witness this. Eventually I calmed down and they left me in the room to sleep. This time I slept the night fully without any interruption.    

The summer that changed meWhere stories live. Discover now