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Querencia (n.) kweeuh-ruhn-see-uh

A Spanish word that is defined as a place where you are your most authentic self; A place from which your strength of character is drawn, where you feel safe, where you feel at home.

My sister's past weaves a dark thread in our lives, marked by a relationship gone wrong. The echoes of her trauma reverberate within our small community, whispered tales of heartbreak and betrayal. It is within these streets, protected by a gang whose ironclad grip guards our existence, that our paths entwine.

And it just so happens that her ex belongs to that gang as well. Given that circumstance, she forbade me from going near them, despite catching the eye of one of their members.

 Given that circumstance, she forbade me from going near them, despite catching the eye of one of their members

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I am Takahashi Sakiko, the younger one.

In this realm of danger and desire, where alliances are forged and broken, I will embark on a journey that will test the limits of my heart and force me to confront the depths of my own resilience. For in the heart of the storm, amidst the clashing of worlds, love will emerge as both our salvation and our greatest vulnerability.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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