A happy ending

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The axiom lands on earth after 58 years of journey

Every passenger, Soilder and employee saw the current status on earth

Sasha: Dad... I'm made it... I'm home.

Shelby: I'm proud of you sweetie

Suddenly the real Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu came

Sasha: oh hey girls I haven't seen you for while since I became a captain

Anne: wait what about Esther?

Suddenly 4 Blackhawk helicopter land near Axiom

US Marine: Captain, glad you came back 58 years I'm Lieutenant Colonel Davidson.

Sasha: What happened? I thought there weren't any Humans life on earth

US Marine: Well some 1 billion people didn't make it to axiom 58 years ago but we survived this

Sasha: But you didn't find Esther and her friends Wall-E did

US Marine: not really. Commander told that many Wall-E robot's are off

Andrew; it's true

Then EVE, Wall-E, Esther and Isaac came and both of them are in bad condition after they died

Isaac: I'll head to the hospital to save Esther. you have to go to Wall-E's truck and fix him. Got it?

EVE: Got it

US Marine: I hear there's a military hospital in our base. Get to the chopper isaac

Isaac: thanks.

At military hospital

They put her in bed and surgery

Esther (spirit): Shelby wake my soul up!

Shelby: okay but be warned little girl. All of your memories and personalities will be erased If I put your soul back in your body

Esther : but Mr Hopp can recover them he did it before he can do it again and if Sonic EXe appears and fight him will bring me back

Shelby: look kid I saw every prediction. It wont work for Mr Hopps to bring a memories unless one (Isaac kiss)

Esther: oh...

He wakes her soul up but no memory of who she is and her personality erased

Molly; Esther! you're back!

Esther: uhm who are you?

Molly: W-what. Remember us! molly and Isaac!

Esther: all I remember is being crushed

Isaac: w-what. D-do you remember me...

Esther: No... What's your name?

Isaac: I-isaac.

Esther: huh where have I heard that before.

Isaac is heartbroken and he lost a lover he holds her hand and hums "Goodbye yellow brick road" and gives a Farewell "kiss"

Isaac: Goodbye...

Esther: I-isaac

Isaac: Gasp... Esther!

She noticed He's holding her hand

Esther; Isaac!

Isaac: heheh I know. I knew that power of love could bring her memories back

Esther; Gasp! Wall-E

Isaac: oh we should check on them

Meanwhile at Wall-E's truck

Marc-E worries about him

EVE was waiting for him to boot back online

And it charges up Cause to activate but no memory of personality she tries to remember him but all efforts failed

And he made a trash cage and left Esther Isaac and Molly arrived

Marc-E: oh no...

EVE: Wall-E

No response

EVE: Wall-E WALL-E!!

No response and she realized she lost her lover forever (heartbroken)

She hums and gives a Farewell kiss and leaves.

But her hand stuck with Wall-E and Esther giggles

His memory is restored

Wall-E: Eva?

Isaac: He's finally back!

WALL-E: whoa EVA!

EVE giggles

And so... Humanity will take years to rebuild this ravaged world and they live happily ever after...

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